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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Girl Drummer Looking to Start a Band in East NC

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Hi! I'm a drummer and my husband is an awesome rhythm guitar player. We hope to find a surf lead guitar player to form a band with us in the Triangle area of North Carolina, home of the Instro Summit music festival. Ideally, there will be a bass player and an organ player too; but we played with another lead guitar in China a few years back as a 3pcs band and it was all smooth. We like classic surf rock with a touch of groove. If interested, please contact me via email:

Videos and recordings available upon request.

Welcome to SG101 and good luck with the project!

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.


I'm guessing that you were the woman riding the skateboard and dancing by the front of the stage this weekend at Instro-Summit. My wife pointed her out to me and said,"she is awesome, I don't know if she can play an instrument, but she needs to be in a band".
Either way, sort it out and have a group ready for the next Summit. Personally, I was really struck by how friendly and supportive the folks who came out this weekend were. It makes me want to work hard to bring something special back next year.

Gemini XIII

Les, yes, that was me! The Crazy Aces wants me to join their band, but I can't move to Nashville (although I wish I could, lol).

Anyway, yes, definitely wanna play the next instro summit. I haven't really played drums in the last 3yrs or so. It's been too long!

It was great to meet you at the Summit on saturday. I'm glad you joined this site. You'll have a band up and running in no time at all.
Thanks for the tambourine playing. We should have had you up on stage with us but of course it didn't occur to Kiwamu or I until after our set.
If we're there next year then we'll definitely figure something out.
Welcome to SG101.


Can you tell us what the music scene is like in China? I saw some video a few years ago of a Beijing hardcore punk band that was impressively tight, emotive and musical. An underground scene of musical amateurs seems to come with economic growth and social distortion (sic) it brings. I vivisted Beijing briefly in 1992 and I'm sure it's a different world now.

Squink Out!

Hi Jeff, it was nice meeting you guys too. I had a blast playing tambourine to your songs, although you got such a big project going on there was probably not enough room for me to bounce around on the stage anyway, haha. Thanks for your good wishes and see you next year!

Last edited: May 18, 2015 15:10:20

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