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Permalink Longboards West Coast tour: July '07

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OK everyone, there are already shows booked and in the works as we speak. Tentatively, they expect to be in the country July 1 - 15. I will update this thread as I get more dates. I have Ted from the Detonators to thanks for adding them to the first gig booked, July 7 at Suzy's.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

New date just added:

Thursday, July 12
The Juke Joint
Anaheim, CA

The Longboards

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Hey Tena,
I also asked Paul Pyronaut if they could share the bill at the Huntington Surf Museum with the them on July 8th and he graciously agreed.

We need to ask Clint if they can do his show, Originally I mentioned the 5th to them. Looks like they are returning to San Diego on the 17th for the Zombie Lounge show. Maybe they can go North (SF, Portland, Seattle) and then come back for the Zombie Lounge show? Seems like a lot of driving to come back to San Diego for one show. Ideas?

Seems easier to do Clints Show on the 5th (Thursday) and another SD show on Friday, then come up to LA for Saturday's Dusty Bday bash, Sunday at The Surf Museum, then on up the coast.


So far Ted, I've tried to keep this whole thing south to north. I think it would be best to have them play Clint's show the 5th. Bill Bergstrom was working on S.F. dates, which are tentatively July 13 and 14. Las Vegas hasn't looked probably yet. I was working on that July 12 date for Vegas, but it looks as if they have that booked now.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

On their site they list a show at the Zombie Lounge on the 17th. I don't know who set that up but you are right...South to North seems best. That's what the Kileaua's did and it worked out great.

Could you email the guys in the Longboards and see why they have the Zombie Lounge show listed...seems like it's a bad idea. I would say cancel it or move it to the 6th after Clint's show and prior to coming to LA.

Could you email the guys in the Longboards and see why they have the Zombie Lounge show listed.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Hey Tena,
Do you have a complete list of dates for them? I know we'd discussed the 13th and 14th, but I realized this week that Taylor will be out of town over the weekends, so we could pull together a show during the week (maybe Weds. or Thurs). I figured I'd ask this in the forum in case someone else up here wanted to step up and get something for them over the weekend.


Hey Tena,
Do you have a complete list of dates for them? I know we'd discussed the 13th and 14th, but I realized this week that Taylor will be out of town over the weekends, so we could pull together a show during the week (maybe Weds. or Thurs). I figured I'd ask this in the forum in case someone else up here wanted to step up and get something for them over the weekend.


So far, nothing is booked the 13th and 14th. Right now, it's only July 7th, 8th, and the 12th. I'm waiting to hear back from them now.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I am sure we could get them into Clint's show on the 5th as well.

I am sure we could get them into Clint's show on the 5th as well.

That's already the Pyronauts' date, but I asked Clint before and he said yes. I know I ran that by Brett Cole, but I need to double check the gear-share deal.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Ted, the July 6th date is already taken by a show with us and the Pyronauts in San Diego, in a place that has a time restriction, it's part of the Pyronauts tour. We couldn't add the Longboards becasue the show needs to end early, and no use in dividing the 10 people that show up for surf shows between 2 gigs on the same night.


The Scimitars

Pyronauts are booked with Clint on July 5th. I'm not sure how his show works or if he's had two bands on before? Longboards should try to get a show on the 5th at the Tiki in Pacific Beach. Somebody should contact Cathryn at

We had booked the 5th there before we got the paying gig the next night and had to cancel. So, there is a chance the evening is open.

Paul The Pyronaut

Perfect. Thanks Paul.

Clint has done a show a with 2 bands before - no problem. It would be cool to have them on the show, then they can play at the Tiki.

The Scimitars

Clint has done a show a with 2 bands before - no problem. It would be cool to have them on the show, then they can play at the Tiki.

I think that's a great idea. Then maybe they can hang out in San Diego till Friday and check you guys out.

and no use in dividing the 10 people that show up for surf shows between 2 gigs on the same night.


Ran, I did explain that to the Longboards.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I emailed Carlyn who Paul Pyronaut referred me to (books the Tiki) but she said she no longer handles Thursdays there. Any ideas?

I emailed Carlyn who Paul Pyronaut referred me to (books the Tiki) but she said she no longer handles Thursdays there. Any ideas?

Does Carlyn know who does?


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Ted, the July 6th date is already taken by a show with us and the Pyronauts in San Diego, in a place that has a time restriction, it's part of the Pyronauts tour. We couldn't add the Longboards becasue the show needs to end early, and no use in dividing the 10 people that show up for surf shows between 2 gigs on the same night.


I hate the fact that the whistle stop has there head up their ass about these issues, I'm really wanting to put my foot up there too...



Jeff, they don't have their foot up their asses. They are in a residential neighborhood. If the neighbors complain, there will be no shows at all. And I must remind you that they don't have assholes with db meters walking over to the performers mid-song telling them to turn down like at the Pitcher House. There was only one time that The Infrareds were told to turn down by the owner. It's not a perfect place, but it is somewhat surf friendly, has a pretty good local crowd, and it pays decently. It would have been great to integrate the 2 tours (Pyronauts and Longboards) but it just can't be done. Imagine how would either bands feel if they're told to stop playing after 3 songs...

The Scimitars

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