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Permalink Problems with myspace

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The Neptunes myspace page just Vanished... what tha? anyone else have that happen?
I just re-upped, but now I have to do the content again... arrrrrgh!


Tikitena (Kristena) had this happen to her last year Crying Her account was removed for no reason, also you may want to be careful when you send an email from your account about shows ect (spam) when you do send out these emails folks have the option to report your email as spam and so what myspace does is delete/remove your profile/account we never do with ours since we been with myspace 2004 Very Happy we only send myspace show invites or comments to people we trust and know or cruz around and do our rounds and spread the love about a future show that's the best way to do it and yes I know it's a pain but it's better then getting our account removed because of emails about future shows and folks selecting "spam" on our email message, I have no idea but I think you guys got reported as spammers??? and so the end result your account was removed, also what may do is save your HTML work to windows notepad so when it happens all you do is copy and paste Wink and you save your self the trouble of building your site up again and also make sure your password is long, we got hacked once do to our password being short it's been 2 years since we got hacked, also when your account gets hacked and the reason these idiots do this is to spam your friends with sex ads and such, when we got hacked my drummer bitched me out and said use your own personal account to send out those sex ad bulletins and not The Verbtones account I told him hey hey hey we got hacked it wasn't me and ooops sorry Kyle hehehehe so anyways stay ontop of it and check your inbox sent messages and bulletins every now and then to check that you didn't get hacked.


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Thanks for the info Kyle!

I have not investigated with myspace, but I didn't send any emails from the account other than to invite, unless someone hijacked me.

I thought I saved my code but alas it be gone....

lesson learned


The con about myspace is they lag in the area of getting back to you with any answers or help.


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Myspace is pretty lame. Its a great resource for bands, but it is pretty lame in terms of a webpage, what with the slow load times, hacking, spam, shotty layout and appearance, etc..The sad thing is that most bands pay for really nice webpages that hardly ever get seen because everyone sees myspace as a pretty efficient way to check out a band( is). I have found that is a pretty slick myspace type page, it is just a question of weather or not it will catch on..

Yeah that page looks so much better than myspace. I swear we have an entire "American Idol" nation out there, what I mean by that is that we are into praising amatures for trying to hang with the pros, and the "look I did it myself!" trumps the fact that it looks like dukey and takes forever to load.

Thanks for the help! Next if anyone can tell me how to send those cool "thanks for the add" images to your friends...


I agree that Myspace is a great source for bands to get exposure, but some bands use it as a competative tool to try to prove their popularity. All I know is that 10,000 friends does'nt mean you have 10,000 fans. Wink

I agree that Myspace is a great source for bands to get exposure, but some bands use it as a competative tool to try to prove their popularity. All I know is that 10,000 friends does'nt mean you have 10,000 fans. Wink

Some bands are ridiculous. With some of the music accounts I have access to, there are several add requests daily for rap/hip hop and other random bands that I know have no real interest in the surf/garage music genre. Of course, there are also the dozens of accounts used only for spamming purposes. It's annoying at times. With those band accounts, I have never sent any requests to any random people; only other surf bands or those people I know who have an interest in the music.

I did lose my old account approximately a year ago. One day it was just gone. I have no idea why.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I set up a friend's Myspace page a while ago. He only had one track and two friends. He never sent anything from his account because before he got around to using it it disappeared. Diceophonic is dead right about them being useless at getting back to you; this happened a month ago and despite repeated mails to them he's never heard a thing. I dread it happening to mine - like most people, I've got better things to do than set all that up again.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

- like most people, I've got better things to do than set all that up again.

I saved all my html in a Word document.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

good idea Smile

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

good idea Smile

It's finding all the friends again that sucks. Sad The bands are easy to find and from there, you usually find many of the personal profiles.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

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