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Permalink New Book: "Southern California Surf Music, 1960-1966"

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Ivan wrote:

Really? Very interesting. So, the Rhythm Rockers were playing the Harmony >Park Ballroom already in '55? They were around that long before surf music >began? I had no idea.

The Rhythm Rockers were, indeed, around that long. A legendary Orange County band that featured Barry Rillera in the early days. They just changed members and set list contents over the span of time they were together.

Here's a pretty good back story for you:,0,4972599.story


Last edited: Apr 09, 2015 14:17:12

Order status changed to 'not available' so my preorder didn't work out. Now ordered with a UK bookseller through Fingers crossed!

Instromania on Bandcamp

Why is this book so hard to get in Europe? It's 2015!!! Surf music died in 1964 and was forgotten. Personally, I think Ralf and Lorenzo are behind this.

The Rhythm Rockers that had The Rillera brothers in it was the same Rhythm Rockers that took Dick Dales place at the Rendezvous Ballroom after he left and released the Soul Surfin' LP?

"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Last edited: Apr 09, 2015 17:09:01

For Anybody in So Cal.
The Surfing Museum in Huntington Beach has
20 copies of the book.


Chris wrote:

The Rhythm Rockers that had The Rillera brothers in it was the same Rhythm
Rockers that took Dick Dales place at the Rendezvous Ballroom after he left
and released the Soul Surfin' LP?

I needed confirm a few things with the Rilleras because, in the end, I wasn't completely sure about my earlier response to this question. The band name was the same, but the members were not. The Rillera Rhythm Rockers disbanded before the Mike Patterson Rhythm Rockers were formed. It was the Patterson Rhythm Rockers who were at the Rendezvous. The Rillera Rhythm Rockers were at Harmony Park. Most members of each band came from Santa Ana, knew all of the same people, and mixed in the same social circles. They were, however, two different bands. Patterson just liked the name, so he used it.


I'm loving the book, John. It's kind of like the stories I wanted to see when reading the Discographies series have magically materialized! Thanks John!

Phil Dirt<br><a href="klzzwxh:0000">Reverb Central</a>

On 2nd read I got a real kick out of the mention of what it took for a young teen to be sartorially resplendent vis a vis 'surf' with just the right combination of shoes, pants (including where the cuff fell) and the Pendleton shirt. Lots of young kids (including yrs trly) made due with the JC Penney version because a true Pendleton was about twice the money. I remember getting a Pendleton for Christmas once & it was THE big present under the tree, nearly in ranking with an electric train back when I was shorter than a Strat. What a memory rush.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Just got my copy in the mail Big Grin . Reading it now. What fond memories I have as a teenager hanging out at the Retail Clerks union Hall and Harmony Park in the '60s listening to Surf music. Thanks John for putting it together in a book.

Dave Foreman

I just ordered my own copy. I've been pre-occupied with work since before it reached publication, but now down with a very bad cold that has me sitting around on (over-the-counter)drugs. I made sure to mention SG101 in the box provided on the form.

Squink Out!

wish I had pre-ordered it... just boosted the price to by over 10$! supply and demand I guess...

The Obsidians! (Ottawa surf)
The Obsidians debut EP

Hi John, you've got a guy here in Memphis who really wants a copy of that book. When will more be available? Thanks! Cool - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

Last edited: Apr 14, 2015 18:08:33

H-m-m-m, I see $16.66 at Cover price of the book is $21.99. Looks like a bargain to me (at least in US dollars). Maybe try the US Amazon? OR, you could order the book directly from me at (although you'll have to cover postage). As far as I'm aware there is no shortage of these books now. The publisher only sold out of the pre-orders. I'm pretty sure all pre-orders have been fulfilled. So, order with confidence. They are available at many other online retailers as well as brick and mortar stores.


Last edited: Apr 14, 2015 18:15:08

I ordered direct from John and he was good enough to sign my copy. It is a very well done book, the history and way he presents it is first-rate.
A much more innocent period, with the likes of T. Texas Tiny.

If you are into surf music, this is a must have book for your collection. Also a great gift, or to introduce someone to the genre.


I think one of the things I've enjoyed the most is looking up and listening to the band's I hadn't heard before.

Buy the book direct from John people.


Got mine on Monday! Yes
Congratulations John, super nice book!

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

Looking forward (and hoping) to get the book in Livorna as (one of the probably many) souvenirs from the festival. Smile

But I already redecorated my living room in anticipation, utilizing a picture from the preview:


Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
"Postcards from the Scrapyard" Vol. 1, 2 & 3 NOW available on various platforms!
"Chaos at the Lobster Lounge" available as LP and download on Surf Cookie Records!

Pre-ordered through only to have it delayed but now tracking updates show a delivery of tomorrow.
Looking forward to a restful Saturday, listening to some great First Wave while curled up with the cat ('El Gato', indeed!) and reading it family will just have to pretend that I am not there for a couple of hours.

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Just received my copy a few minutes ago. Looking forward to reading it as soon as I finish this post! Yes

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

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