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Permalink Performing Rights Organisations - who are you registered with BMI, SOCAN, PPL, SOCAN etc

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Hi all. I'm writing a number of articles about legal rights for musicians so I'd like to get your input on what sort of advice you would find useful.

  1. How many of you have registered your recordings with a PRO, and if not what were the reasons why you haven't?
  2. What were the reasons that you chose that particular PRO?
  3. Have you ever consulted an entertainment lawyer?
  4. Are you generally aware of your rights in recordings?
  5. If you could ask an entertainment lawyer anything what would you ask?

One of the difficulties we had when we first built back in July 2013 was that we found only a handful of surf bands registered with a particular PRO, requiring multiple licenses. Instead of relying on PRO licenses we relied on artist submissions which ultimately led to working closer with the bands a fresher mix of new music.

It seems that by not registering works with a PRO surf/instro bands lose a potential advantage. What are the potential barriers to registering your work?

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  1. I've been a member of ASCAP for 15 years
  2. If your recordings are available commercially, it's plain stupid not to
    to register with a PRO; It's the ONLY way you can make money from your
    recordings being played on radio, streamed, licensed, etc...
  3. Yes. If you sign a record contract, you should absolutely consult an
  4. Yes. because I've consulted experts, done my homework and learned the
    hardway how money is made in the music business
  5. Asking a professional questions is how you learn the ropes, and I've
    always made sure to ask the pertinent questions.

This kind of thing seems lost on most musicians. In the music business you make money from publishing royalties, not from touring and record sales and such, but from your songs being played commercially, recorded by others, public performance, etc...
Again, if you have recordings commercially available, you should absolutely register with a PRO. It's how you will get paid for use of your music period. It's how the system works. There are absolutely no barriers to registering. ASCAP is totally free of charge, and almost any songwriter can join.
Our songs were used in several of those stupid MTV reality shows like The Real World, Wild Boys, Jackass, and a bunch of others too inane to watch or remember -- and I've recieved a healthy amount of money from ASCAP over the years. I even get paid when they rerun these shows overseas.
Every recording musician should join a PRO, there really is no reason not to.

I've registered with a PRO, but not taken it much further. Radio and music stream seem to pay so little, it's hardly worth the effort.

How do you get your music to the attention of a TV programme maker?!

da-ron wrote:

I've registered with a PRO, but not taken it much further. Radio and music stream seem to pay so little, it's hardly worth the effort.

How do you get your music to the attention of a TV programme maker?!

It all comes down to quantity. How often do you get played. It's not like you join a PRO and the they pay you loads of money, it's all based on the amount of use your music gets.
In our case, we were working with a music license agent that got us a deal with the production company that produced those shows. Unfortanutely that company went under, but it was very lucrative for a while, and as mentioned I still get the ocassional check in the mail. I often hear people complain that streaming doesn't pay much, but if you get played a lot, it adds up. At the end of the day though, even if it's only small amounts you're making, it's still your money you're owed -- so why not collect?

Psychonaut is taking the professional approach- which we all should be doing.
Are we not Men? We are Surf. I for one am taking steps to insure I receive my cut just like a real musician. I may be late to game but for the first time in my life I have some music of value and If they want to exploit it then it's gonna cost em.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

I'm a member of BMI
Joined them because my professional song writer friends recommended them more than the others. They cited reasons such as better money collection than some of the others, especially when leverage is needed.
Haven't had to consult an attorney yet.
I'm generally aware of my rights but I live in a city (Nashville) with so many successful writer friends (not including myself in that list, LOL) that I can get clarification and explanations over a lunch or phone call. That sure is a nice aspect of living here.


Anybody who wants to understand copyrights should watch this.
Most musicians are sorely misinformed.

Thanks for posting this, Psychonaut. Very interesting and useful information.

More cowbell?? Nah...More Reverb!!

As the songwriter for Urban Surf Kings, etc I am a member of SOCAN up here in Canada. All my works are registered with them. They are really the only option in Canada, and have been nothing but great. There's no way I could track airplay (radio, tv, movie) worldwide. They do a great job taking only a small percent for administration.

I have used an entertainment lawyer for a couple of contracts (mostly film) in the earlier days. Most of the contracts we are involved with now are pretty clear, and it does get easier the more you do. All the information has been great, and I use it to this day.

I am aware of most if my music rights thanks to working with excellent people over the years.

SOCAN also puts on workshops, and information sessions for their members. Top notch organization.

As psychonaut said, it is your money,do what you can to collect it.


Canadian Surf

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