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Permalink Twang Twisters Web Site any ideals how to make it better?

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The Twang Twisters have a new web site, it is geared towards the people of our local area, Binghamton, NY. A town that I don't think has ever had a surf band. Any ideals on how to make it better?

Pretty damn cool. Other than a link to Bootsy Collins, I'm not sure what else you need. Impressive! Tres bien!


Headbang Cheers Cool Groovy

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Nice looking website, well done!

I would move the "What is Surf Music" to the right - you wouldn't click on that when you first visit the page. You'd click on the band, or the music tabs first.

What is the site for? If it's for getting gigs you need a gigs list page, or if it's for selling your music you need a page that sells your music. A blog can be useful to engage anyone that visits. Once again, ask who will visit the site, and how would you get them to come back?

Also some links to other bands, sites and info might be useful. On the What is Surf Music tab, or something.

What is the site for? If it's for getting gigs you need a gigs list page, or if it's for selling your music you need a page that sells your music

If that is your goal , I would consider treating it more like a landing page rather than a web site.

There is no much content (not a bad thing) , so I would make a "one page" site , which is getting very common nowadays , and adds to the landing page feeling.

One page example

Also , I would put the sound samples on the side , to always be available.

Maybe it is only me , but I feel like the photos are too big thus the text is getting lost in between them.

Animations - fine but takes too much time, I would consider making them extremely short.

My humble opinion.


Last edited: Apr 01, 2015 23:38:35

- I like the 1st page graphic with the Jag alot.
- Agree to move the surf explanation with its defintion definition from Wikipedia link to the right.
- I would suggest that 1 of the band member photos is an engaging personable pic, the other 2 resemble surveillance photos. I would suggest getting a couple of different pics taken to replace those specific to be on the website, or posters, or for other uses to come. Smile

Nice, Good Luck!

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

This is going to be pretty rough without starting over so maybe it's something to stick in the back of your head, but it's not responsive. By that I mean it won't change size/proportions to fit different size screens, especially cell phones in this case.

It's also definitely missing any sort of upcoming shows tab. Videos are probably good to have too.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

ElMonstroPorFavor wrote:

It's also definitely missing any sort of upcoming shows tab.

If you haven't done any, just make a couple up!

Thanks for the input, our bass players wife did this for us, I'll pass this on to her. I think she did a good job, but it could always be better.

The ability to listen to/play music should absolutely be the first option anybody has when going onto a band's website. This music should play without interruption as people navigate the site.

I also feel you should use a one-page site. This is the direction sites are going. It would allow me to listen to your music samples while browsing the entire site quickly.

I don't feel your definition of what surf music is benefits your band or the listener. It won't cause them to like your band anymore. Your music is going to speak for itself. Especially don't ever quote wikipedia. If you quote wikipedia just think of whatever you are saying gets the word 'mostly' or 'maybe' tacked onto the end by readers.

Why does this site exist? You have the song list, are you using the site only to get gigs? This sort of thing doesn't belong on a site geared towards the public.

News, gigs, streaming songs, pictures/videos, merchandise. That is what a band website should look like. There should also be links to social media(facebook is pretty needed and I feel instagram is an incredibly powerful tool as it allows you to be very personable and really show off your aesthetic).

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