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Permalink The Surfy Bear Fet Reverb

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I just picked up a PCB kit and a MOD pan! This project has officially started!!!

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

The second suspension does not add much to the sound of the unit IMO. The Fender unit has the second suspension while the G-Spring doesn't.

The Hicadoolas

Last edited: Mar 27, 2015 14:49:24

SanchoPansen wrote:

The second suspension does not add much to the sound of the unit IMO. The Fender unit has the second suspension while the G-Spring doesn't.

+1. The second suspension is used in conjunction with a foam pad that damps the springs and stops them rattling around. Which can be useful if you've ever driven for six hours in a van with one packed just behind your head! Makes not difference to the sound - the springs are suspended inside the pan. It is possible to discard the outer cover if you want to put the reverb springs in a smaller housing.

hamerman55 wrote:

I was wondering how important the second level of suspension really is.

The outer springs are not needed to get drip from the Fetverb. Rubber grommets are good to have between the pan and the cab, or just a layer of cardboard or cork would work.

The nice thing about the "outer springs" is that with a lever, you can close the reverb springs against a piece of foam, thus quieting the pan during travel. Also, the outer springs make for a better 'crash' when kicked!

Good luck with your project!

hehe, So again, I think we've reached consensus!

I get busy with my 2 kids over the past 4 years and all this cool stuff happens here! I need this kit!!! Looks like fun.

The Fender unit has the second suspension while the G-Spring doesn't.

Than you can't lock it? Won't it damage the pan springs (on the long run)?

I wounder if I can make a "reversed" locking mechanism: instead of bringing the floating pan to the foam, I will mount the pan on screw, but leave a small clearance and to pull the foam instead into the pan. . .

Mark2Bra wrote:

Than you can't lock it? Won't it damage the pan springs (on the long run)?

I don't think so. No amp has the pan lock and still people travel with their amps for hours without causing damage to the pan.

The Hicadoolas

I'm surprised that the Surfy Bear is not offered pre-assembled for a bit more $. I would happily pay a few bucks more to have it assembled at the factory.

The way I have mine mounted (four long bolts secured to the side of the toolbox then stop nuts and washers to suspend the pan away from the side of the box) makes it easy to put a piece of foam in to secure the springs if necessary.

It is good to know that the double spring method isn't essential. I thought about the pan in the combo amp floor being screwed in, and that seemed to be historically OK. Of course, the springs would pick up all the amp vibration, being hard coupled to the speaker.

How about using vibration mounts?

dboomer, They look like they would work. Adding the spring mounting was a concern as it increased the volume of the box needed to house the springs.

Unadan360, the SMD version is pre-assembled, but you do need to connect the pots, jacks and such. They are all included, and it isn't very difficult. Do you mean fully assembled in some sort of box?

My board is complete and mounted in a project box for shielding. Also in the project box is my point to point Fuzzrite Silicon clone.... It is a Spaghetti Western tone in a box!

I just ordered my MOD 4AB3C1B Reverb Tank that should be here in the middle of next week, and I plan to build the wooden box to put it in tomorrow....

My evil plot is coming together

B.M.E (Bastard Musical Engineering)

Unadan360 wrote:

I'm surprised that the Surfy Bear is not offered pre-assembled for a bit more $. I would happily pay a few bucks more to have it assembled at the factory.

Yes, I got that question several times.
For me this is a hobby project and its been difficult to find the time to build assembled tanks. I dont think the market is very big, factory production of small batches would probably be expensive. Unfortunately.

'Boost' here at Surfguitar101 is a talented cabinet builder, I think he is working a cabinet design for the FET Reverb Cool

dboomer wrote:

How about using vibration mounts?

Interesting. I wonder how soft they are.

Last edited: Mar 29, 2015 10:11:43

ReverendBow wrote:

My board is complete and mounted in a project box for shielding. Also in the project box is my point to point Fuzzrite Silicon clone.... It is a Spaghetti Western tone in a box!

I just ordered my MOD 4AB3C1B Reverb Tank that should be here in the middle of next week, and I plan to build the wooden box to put it in tomorrow....

My evil plot is coming together

I am looking forward to some pictures of this one!

I like my Surfy Bear so much I think I'll order another kit soon just to have a backup.

dboomer wrote:

How about using vibration mounts?

Interesting. I wonder how soft they are.

The spec says "15 durometers". That's about like a gel seat on a bike or chewing gum.

Hi, I have a couple questions.If you order the R4 board, do you need to order the heat sinks,mosfets etc?
Also, I have an old folded line tank. It just says type 60 on it , and made by beautiful girls in Milton, WI. lol!
How can I tell if this tank would work?

Last edited: Mar 29, 2015 14:52:39

^ Never mind, found the answer. Looks like its a good idea to buy them and the matched jfets...

Well, here it sits as of Sunday night:
Surfy Bear FET Reverb and a BME Fuzzmonger in one. For now, I plan to jumper between the fuzz and the reverb with a cable.... Spaghetti Western in one box...



In through in out door


Next step... The cabinet, which will be pine... That construction should start tomorrow evening, depending on how early I get out of work. The MOD tank is due in sometime this week... If everything works, I'll gut the box, paint it, and label it....

B.M.E (Bastard Musical Engineering)

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