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I just started posting some of my videos of The Volcanos live at the Detroit Autorama on Youtube. I will post the rest probably tomorrow night.


Beatnick Bandit

Custom Cruiser

Escape Velocity

Incident At Coral Reef

Open road

Worship Worship Worship

Thanks so much Guy!!! Thumbs Up

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Awesome - I LOVE The Volcanos.

I noticed a couple of unfamiliar tracks, are they working on some new stuff?

Awesome - I LOVE The Volcanos.

Ditto...The Volcanos "Surf Quake" is by far my favorite third wave surf album.

They have it all...great songs, great production, great playing!

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

Awesome - I LOVE The Volcanos.


I noticed a couple of unfamiliar tracks, are they working on some new stuff?

Yep!! I think they have almost a full CD's worth of new material - and it's GREAT!!! Of the above songs, Incident At Coral Reef, Escape Velocity and Open Road are new tracks. And they're AWESOME! I can't wait for the next CD from these guys.

Thanks a LOT, Guy, for great videos!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I just started posting some of my videos of The Volcanos live at the Detroit Autorama on Youtube. I will post the rest probably tomorrow night.

WOW!! Very cool. Thanks for sharing!


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Thanks for the positive comments! I appreciate it (opinions of one's peers and all that).
A new album is still just a glint in our eyes, but we are planning on it.
Big special thanks to Guy for all your work in shooting, processing and uploading these videos. Thank You! Thumbs Up

The Volcanos

I love the new songs. I cannot WAIT for the next Volcanos album!

Did the Jazzmaster have problems or did you just wanna bust out the Sweptwing, Rick?

Thanks again Guy.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Shari was complaining that whenever she gets to photo/video bands, it is always in the dark...poor lighting and the bands are always wearing black. Here it is under bright flourescent light. LOL.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks so much for posting those. I Love The Volcanos! And a new CD to look forward to also? Drool Good news! Maybe they can go on tour to promote it and hit Northern California........Ah well, I can dream....... Wink


Did the Jazzmaster have problems or did you just wanna bust out the Sweptwing, Rick? .

It was the bridge. The saddle slid out from under the low E and fell off.
This was before I had upgraded to a Mustang bridge.
The Jazzmaster is first choice but I am liking the Hallmark more, the more I play it.

The Volcanos

Maybe they can go on tour to promote it and hit Northern California........Ah well, I can dream....... Wink

Outsides, I would love to make a West Coast run. Maybe when the new CD comes together we'll have a reason.

The Volcanos

Outsides, I would love to make a West Coast run. Maybe when the new CD comes together we'll have a reason.

OMG I'm so there...

About the saddle, wow! First time I have heard of that. Did you find it or was it lost? Good thing you had a backup...I suppose that isn't something you wanna have happen when you are playing 3 sets at a car show. Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Wow thats great...I just recently heard 'avalanche' and man, I think that song is almost a perfect song. Is that a Mosrite on the album too? That thing sounds awesome!

Thanks for the kudos on the videos! But Rick and the Volcanos should get all of the kudos. They are amazing artists! They played for about 3 hours total, playing over 50 songs! Shocked Shocked
Here are some more I posted tonight.

Side Swipe


SS 396

Volcano Twist

Wave Beat

Wildman Arrow

About the saddle, wow! First time I have heard of that. Did you find it or was it lost?

Yeah, I would hope that's rare. Amazingly, I did find the saddle, the screw and the spring!

The Volcanos

Wow thats great...I just recently heard 'avalanche' and man, I think that song is almost a perfect song. Is that a Mosrite on the album too? That thing sounds awesome!

Thanks, IronMaiden! Yeah, Chris did use a Mosrite on our recordings. He likes his Mosrites. I think he's got 5.

The Volcanos

Great stuff, have the Estrus' Surfquake vinyl album, same guys, no?

checked myself, of course...

thanks for the vids!

Same Volcanos! yup.
Thanks Guy!!!
Thanks Volcanos!
I am preparing for a beautiful surf style wedding ie. I want to marry the new release Cool
Awesome videos man Drool

*doin the Volcano Twist!

Yes, everyone should own Surfquake and Finish Line Fever. They have a ton of 7" stuff too. Smile

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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