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Tom and Dave from the Amphibians are coming down to Nashville tomorrow and we're going to see if we can get a new tune recorded.
Should be a fun continuation of the collaboration project we've been working on.
These side and smaller projects (smaller than a full length record) have been helping us to establish better sounds in our recording space. Trying to squeeze as much as possible sonically from cheap gear can be fun and also trying.
I'm pretty worn out though on Pro-Tools, screen or PC based DAW's. We've been talking about creating a second system that is more mixing board/console based and then to hard disk or some other format. I played on a session at a studio here in Nashville earlier in the week. A real nice, cozy place, far more pro than what the Aces have but in front of the console (a vintage console from Criteria studios that helped the Bee Gees, Rod Stewart and many Grammy winning songs come to life) was this huge screen with the waveforms and playlist on it. It took up so much of the room that in order for me to concentrate on playbacks I had to look away or leave the room. I just feel like computer screens, TV screens, Phone screens.....dominate our lives these days and I don't feel that's a very conducive psychological environment for music least for me.
That being said I still think it's more important to make music than focus too much on how it's made and so we'll still be on Pro Tools for now or at least until this older computer dies.
I really like seeing everyone's spaces that they are creating music in and getting opinions about the various recording formats available.
Fun thread!


Hey Jeff!

Best of luck with the upcoming project. I just hate computers. All that mumbo jumbo, one's and zero's, I'm too old to learn very much of it. If you are looking to go hard disk the HD-24 is pretty amazing. I have really become one with mine. It is so easy to use that it's frightening. Just my style.

And I do love knobs......the more the better. Hmmmm, "I wonder what this knob does?"............"Well, THAT didn't help."

I currently have a lead on a vintage tape machine that I hope to scope out this weekend. Have no idea what it is but it came out of a guy's HiFi collection that included Macintosh amps, so I am hopeful that it's a goodie. Should have kept that old Tascam 80-8 that I chucked years back when I jumped into the dangerous waters of ADAT recording.

Get 'em kid!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

eddiekatcher wrote:

I currently have a lead on a vintage tape machine that I hope to scope out this weekend. Have no idea what it is but it came out of a guy's HiFi collection that included Macintosh amps, so I am hopeful that it's a goodie. Should have kept that old Tascam 80-8 that I chucked years back when I jumped into the dangerous waters of ADAT recording.

I have a Teac 80-8, and it's a great machine. Sounds fantastic, and built like a tank. I also have a Tascam 38, and the 80-8 blows it away.

Jeff, Have you considered getting a tape machine? Although tape has risen in cost, tape machines can be had for peanuts these days. A Teac A 3440 1/4" 4 track, or either of the above mentioned 8 tracks for example can be found rather cheaply and are excellent machines, capable of professional results.

It's really such a different experience recording with tape. Much more satisfying.

Ed, thanks, hope that machine is a keeper!

psychonaut, we've definitely had tape in mind as an option. I come from that format and I agree, it can be much more satisfying.
It's getting pretty expensive to get new tape for the big machines and used tape is a waste of time. Might as well go high def digital at that point.
My main goal is not to get caught up in the method or format and to just concentrate on the music.
Whatever affordable alternative that ends up being is where we'll land.

and then there's those pesky mics!


psychonaut wrote:

A Teac A 3440 1/4" 4 track...

Another piece of gear from the .mil audio club in days gone by that I wish I still had. Suicide Oh. My. What. A. Machine. (Roomie was a snob and "just had to have a Revox" - the Teac blew his stuff away.)

I'm getting by PC-based for the little puddling around I do at home (and remembering to back stuff up to an off-machine source) but guess I'm waxing nostalgic, kinda being in the "knobs & sliders & tape" kinda mentality.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.


Nice studios everyone!

Still working on getting things the way I want them, but got a chance to record the guys from Moonbase a few weeks back. It has been great being able to record Ideas and to get a report card on rehearsals. Hope to have something to share soon.

going through an Apogee Ensemble into Logic.

Lestradamus - welcome to SG101 and that is one nice space.
I'm envious of all that room/footage!


CrazyAces wrote:

Lestradamus - welcome to SG101 and that is one nice space.
I'm envious of all that room/footage!



Fantastic seeing you guys play the other night at Surf Stomp. Thanks for the free single!

It's great to have the space, but it fills up quickly none the less.


Some shot's from the Rudi & OJ recording facilities these days, a very portable setup. Smile

Preparing the basement to record the upcoming West Samoa Surfer League EP.
Drums are ready to rock. Neighbors also? We´ll see...

Before you ask: The surfboard is there because of sound porposes only, of course!



Last edited: Apr 13, 2015 13:13:38

LoeD wrote:

Before you ask: The surfboard is there because of sound porposes only, of course!

I always prefer a surf board in the room when recording drums. It just adds.....something...........authentic, LOL

Good luck with the recording!


LoeD wrote:

Before you ask: The surfboard is there because of sound porposes only, of course!

I LIKE it! Big Grin
If I was in a band up here I'd acquire one and it would go to gigs!

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

I really dig the drum riser. Looks like some of Jeff's handy work.......

Best of luck with the project and the neighbors.


ed Big Grin

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

So, some more insight´s:
Currently I´m doing guitars interrupted by some bass. And this is how it looks like...



Geez, you all have amazing recording rooms. My recording room looks like my living-room :-(, just an I-Mac, a Mic and Monitor-speakers, and some children around

Dirk Radloff

psychonaut wrote:

Jeff, Have you considered getting a tape machine? Although tape has risen in cost, tape machines can be had for peanuts these days. A Teac A 3440 1/4" 4 track, or either of the above mentioned 8 tracks for example can be found rather cheaply and are excellent machines, capable of professional results.

I have a 3340(Not A), and I have yet to get it working. Even if I'm able to get it fixed, I'll need tape - It's just expensive and delicate. Would be really cool though, to work with.


Nothing on the Korg recorder yet. But I've added Kustom powered 12-in monitors that can keep up with my amps, which makes practice a lot more realistic. They're on the floor now, so no pics, but I'll have them elevated next week.

I'm currently listening to Itzhak Perlman play Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61. I grew up listening to many artists play this masterpiece, and it sounds wonderful through these monitors. It's been a while since I could play anything at live symphony hall volumes, and it sounds and feels like I'm home again.

I played a bunch of surf last night, and the sound was like being back at the Summit. Next up comes Tosca. If it these monitors can handle Callas singing Puccini, they can handle anyone and anything.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: May 29, 2015 15:48:46

Noel wrote:

I'm currently listening to Itzhak Perlman play Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61. I grew up listening to many artists play this masterpiece, and it sounds wonderful through these monitors. It's been a while since I could play anything at live symphony hall volumes, and it sounds and feels like I'm home again.

I hear you; it's funny sometimes to default to a favorite classical piece. I did the same thing when I got my little Polk Audio speakers. With the honesty of the Marantz in place, on a Dual turntable I'd owned before, would they depict a particular record I still had & do it justice...

Sounds like you scored on the monitors! Big Grin

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Badger wrote:

Noel wrote:

I'm currently listening to Itzhak Perlman play Beethoven's Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 61. I grew up listening to many artists play this masterpiece, and it sounds wonderful through these monitors. It's been a while since I could play anything at live symphony hall volumes, and it sounds and feels like I'm home again.

I hear you; it's funny sometimes to default to a favorite classical piece. I did the same thing when I got my little Polk Audio speakers. With the honesty of the Marantz in place, on a Dual turntable I'd owned before, would they depict a particular record I still had & do it justice...

Sounds like you scored on the monitors! Big Grin

Yes, I think I did. But Callas has to wait. I'm playing this now. Dad's favorite warm up at home before a concert. Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 35, also performed by Perlman.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Dude... the Tchaikovsky Violin Concert... he only wrote one but I'll but damned if it isn't better than any other Violin Concerto anyone has ever written.

I mean... come on:

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