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I am a new member of this forum. I am Rocketman, from the Netherlands. I am 39 years old. During my childhood my parents usually played Beatles, Jerry Lee Lewis and Shadows records. I always liked the Shadows a lot, but it was after seeing Pulp Fiction that I really got into surf.

From 2000 to 2004 I recorded some 20 surf type tunes with my one man band The Gorgonzolas ( = me and my harddisk recorder). Some of them are still available on the internet here and there.

I am now in Dutch rockabilly band Piston Rockers. So no more surfing for me.

I still love surf though. My favorite bands are Spotnicks, Ventures and the (Dutch) Treble Spankers.

It's great to see a forum (that is alive) with lots surfies talking surf. I felt I just had to register.

Welcome Rocketman, another member for the Netherlands contingent :thumbs-up:. A very strong showing for that country.

Glad to have you, this is the place for all things reverb.


Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Welcome aboard Rocketman!! Glad to have you with us!!

Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
Billy Henson & Summerstorm (2001 to Present)

You are a Roc-Kit-Man


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Welcome aboard, Rocketman!!!! Smile



Greetings Rocketman...I'm tempted to compose a reverberberatedinstrotune in your will be titled:

"De Raketman V2"...

people may wonder what that title means, by you'll know...


Cheers Welcome to SG101. The place to be.


Welcome! I forgot how much I like The Spotnicks. What a cool and different sound they had.


Monkey the netherlands just plain rock! Cool Guitar Thumbs Up Groovy Rock

welcome, where do you live?

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Ground control to Rocketman... WELCOME!
_Prettig U te ontmoeten._


Hi had no time to respond earlier. Thanks for the warm welcome. Very Happy

It's really cool to be able to talk and read about surf gear. Even though I am no longer in the position to buy everything that I want. I should have started investigating years ago before spending all my money on so much junk. Right now I have a great rig for my needs though, and, as I have stated earlier, I am in a rockabilly band now. But still I want to know all about it. Maybe a surf band will come up in the future. Rockabilly gear does not completely rule out surf gear either IMO.

Anyways my rig is currently a '67 Gretsch Tennessean with a Vox AC15. Sometimes I use a really cheap danelectro thingy for slapback. I also have a nice USA strat that I hardly ever use. I am looking into buying a EPI ES295 for more rockabilly. On my wish list is a nice bass man, or a twin reverb. I have a Dual Showman Reverb top from the 70s. Gonna buy me a cabinet and see if it works for me.

I am looking for cool surf tunes that I can do with my rockabilly band when the singer is sick or going for beer. We are a upright bassplayer, guitarplayer and a drummer. Not your typical surf line up, but still there must be possibilities.

I already know Misirlou doesn't work on a Gretsch. I almost die while trying to play it. But maybe you guys have other suggestions for surf songs that can be done on a hollow body with upright bass.

I am from Breda. That's the south of the Netherlands, almost Belgium.

Hey WR it's really cool to see you are so in the neighbourhood. Very cool tunes on the myspace btw.

Hey DP I think I know what you mean. It's exactly on this date '67 years ago that my country give up a 5 day struggle with the Germans to become some sort of platform for their warfare. Or do you mean something else ? Shocked

Indeed! My dad had to duck for those V2's...

Hi Rocketman! I'm from Baarn, Holland...

checked the Gorgonzolas
liked where's me bleedin sunglasses, Peter Green going surf!'

and Red Sea Camel Dive is a lovely track!
Buy yer singer a beer and record it again with the band!

Last edited: May 14, 2007 18:41:49

Hey DP I think I know what you mean. It's exactly on this date '67 years ago that my country give up a 5 day struggle with the Germans to become some sort of platform for their warfare. Or do you mean something else ? Shocked

I knew you'd know!

plus your name (Rocketman) is just so cool...totally makes me think of V2 space missle from hell...

I already know Misirlou doesn't work on a Gretsch. I almost die while trying to play it. But maybe you guys have other suggestions for surf songs that can be done on a hollow body with upright bass. might try some Chantays tunes: "Pipeline" or "Wayward Nile"...

heheh lots of Dutch people here....... very cool. Btw my name Rocketman was inspired by the song ]Rocketman by the Red Elvises (Kick ass Rokenrol from Siberia and now your favourite band).

coming to think of it........ this song by my fav band Spotnicks titled Rocketman could also be done on a hollow body I guess..... wicked but strangely cool

Welcome Cool


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