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Permalink Looking for some help. TABS Casbah-Bombora-Bikini Drag-Everybody Up

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My talent and ears suck. If anybody has tabs for any of those songs it would really make my year. I'm sure I'll get blasted for asking, but I'm in risk taking mood this morning.

The Richie Podolor/Sandy Nelson Casbah. Original Surfaris_ Bombora_. The Pyramids Bikini Drag and Fender IV's_ Everybody Up_.

I'll pay for the tabs if anybody can help.

I think you can find the MoAM cover of Bombora in the zip file of MoAM tabs in the downloads section.

When I played the guitar, I learned Casbah and Bikini Drag and may have tabbed them out. I can look for it in a few days.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Thanks, Brian!

Ultimate guitar has the Atlantics version of Bombora on its site

Surf Skater wrote:

Ultimate guitar has the Atlantics version of Bombora on its site

Thanks for the lead! I think they're titled the same, but different songs?? Perhaps played differently? Again, my ears and talent suck so I'm probably wrong.

Same name, different song.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

DesignSpy wrote:

Surf Skater wrote:

Ultimate guitar has the Atlantics version of Bombora on its site

Thanks for the lead! I think they're titled the same, but different songs?? Perhaps played differently? Again, my ears and talent suck so I'm probably wrong.

Whoops! You're right.

If I could only slow this video down I could probably cheat a little better and work out a tab. These guys are killing it!! Man, I love that song.

Last edited: Mar 09, 2015 13:18:31

DesignSpy wrote:

If I could only slow this video down I could probably cheat a little better and work out a tab. These guys are killing it!! Man, I love that song.

Do you have any mixing software? Even Audacity on a PC can take a song and drop the tempo without changing pitch. Makes it nice once in awhile for really nugging something out by ear. Then again, there's this s-l-o-w version.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Wes, that is the Atlantic's song, but David is looking for the one from the Original Surfaris (btw one of my alltime favorites, too).

I found a tab in my archive:

As recorded by The Original Surfaris. Not to be confused with The Surfaris who 
wrote the original version of Wipeout. By the way the song is double picked. Also
I hope it is close enough to the recording, at one point the other insturments 
cover up the lead guitar so you can barly hear it.
Transcribed by Johnny DeHaan.

*=bend with tremolo bar

|--------------------------------------- |------------------------------------
|--------------------------------------- |------------------------------------
|--------------------------------------- |------------------------------------ }2x
|--------------------------------------- |------------------------------------
|--------------------------------------- |------------------------------------
|--0-5-7-8-8-8-8-8-8-10-8-7-5-7-0-0-0-0- |--0-4-5-7-7-7-7-7-7-8-7-5-4-5-5-5-5-




(this is when it gets hard to hear the lead guitar due to theother instruments)
|----------------------------------------------------------- {4x

|--------------------------------------- |------------------------------------
|--------------------------------------- |------------------------------------
|--------------------------------------- |------------------------------------ }2x
|--------------------------------------- |------------------------------------
|--------------------------------------- |------------------------------------
|--0-5-7-8-8-8-8-8-8-10-8-7-5-7-0-0-0-0- |--0-4-5-7-7-7-7-7-7-8-7-5-4-5-5-5-5-




Hope this helps! Smile

Los Apollos - cinematic surf music trio (Berlin)
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simoncoil wrote:

Wes, that is the Atlantic's song, but David is looking for the one from the Original Surfaris (btw one of my alltime favorites, too).

Oops. Face Palm

So as the church lady said, "Well, never mind."

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Badger wrote:

Do you have any mixing software? Even Audacity on a PC can take a song and drop the tempo without changing pitch. Makes it nice once in awhile for really nugging something out by ear.>

Thank you for the tip Wes! I'll have to look into getting some mixing software.

Simon, Thank you for posting this for me! Now I want to leave work and practice. haha

Everyone is different but what worked for me was sitting down with some audio software, selecting a few notes at a time, slowing it down without changing the pitch, and just looping over that. Then write down what you are hearing by making your own tab. Every once in a while, after you have the notes figured out, take a step back and see where it makes sense to play those notes on the fretboard. By doing this you are training your ear and learning the fretboard. After a while you won't need tabs anymore and you'll be able to pick most things out by ear. Oh and get some headphones because looping over notes like this will drive everyone in your house crazy. Good luck.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


Last edited: Mar 01, 2020 11:30:12

Number 9. Thank you! PM sent.

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