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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Jon & The Nightriders, "Banished To The Beach"

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I just watched this go on eBay for $64+. I thought that my high bid of $50 would get it for sure...but no. I kind of poked around the internet and saw references to it but no place where it's ever been for sale. Questions: is this a comprehensive retrospective of their recordings from that era and does anybody here actually own a copy?

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Ask Jeff(Big Tiki Dude) if he has any copies. I thought he bought a ton of them a year or two back.

It's not really comprehensive--most of the songs on it were never before released. (Or at least never before released on CD.) It's a really good collection, but definitely not $50 good.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

It's a collection of their earlier LP stuff on CD. Great compilation. BTD was selling a batch of them earlier. Good luck.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Sorry Richard,
I just sold the last of 75 about 2 months back.
I had them for sale for almost a year I think.
I had a post in the for sale area,
and I was only charging 22 bucks for them, new !!

you snooze you loose.





3 more scans from the booklet:


I'm kicking myself. I don't get to spend as much time on the forum as I'd like. Fortunately some generous fellow SG101er's have offered to send me a CDR. Thanks guys.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

thanks again, BTD!


cool deal on getting a cdr, I was gonna offer, but I am back logged about
20 + cdrs I'm supposed to be doing for people.

You can chew out Damian, from Mr. Nuetron in the post above me here,
he's the guy that got my last copy for sale. Shocked



Man, I've been looking for this forever. If anyone else can make a copy for me I would be forever grateful.

pm me your adress and it's done

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