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Permalink The Surfy Bear Fet Reverb

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so you tried it and it sounds terrible with a shorter pan, right?
or you are just guessing?

Thanks for the kind words Smile
Its the friendly people here that makes this forum a special place!

For hum problems you can experiment with:
- shielding. And yes, the shield must be connected to ground.
- the length of the wires. Twinning the wires or the use of shielded wires can also affect the hum level.
- The RCA cable is supposed to connect the housing of the reverb pan to ground. You can check this with an ohm-meter.

In order to find out where the hum comes from, you can experiment with:
- shorting the guitar input to ground. If the hum disappears the problem might be your guitar cable.
- shorting the reverb-in signal to ground. If the hum disappears, the source to the hum problem is the RCA cable or the pan.

If nothing helps, try another power supply. Most modern switch-mode power supplies should work.

andreuthegiant wrote:

so you tried it and it sounds terrible with a shorter pan, right?
or you are just guessing?

A shorter pan or a 3 spring pan will not have that drippy reverb sound we all came here for.

The Hicadoolas

Yep, Sancho, I know the theory, but I'm a experimentalist Smile
I just want to know if anyone tried it.

Last edited: Feb 15, 2015 12:25:11

I tried the short one and it was absolutly shitty sounding.

I tried a short one too. Bah. No Flat and uninspiring.
Edit: 2 spring pan out of an old amp.

Last edited: Feb 15, 2015 15:50:42

Anyone use a 2 spring pan?

... the accutronics has 2 springs ...

I have two that have two springs. They were out of Seymour Duncan amps I've had since the early nineties. I was contemplating using one when my Surfy Bear arrives.

Speaking of the shorter pan I have an short pan which originally came from a solid state Vox practice amp. Would it be safe to connect it to my Surf Bear, It reads 19ohms in and out.

Why? Duh I'm wondering what would happen if I submerged it in mineral oil. I've seen working computers submerged this way so I'm guessing it would be safe but what might it sound like?

crumble wrote:

Speaking of the shorter pan I have an short pan which originally came from a solid state Vox practice amp. Would it be safe to connect it to my Surf Bear, It reads 19ohms in and out.

Sure, it would be safe to try pans with other impedance's, but the volume of reverb signal will probably be lower than you are used to.

I dont know anything about mineral oil, but I remember I have read that some old reverbs used oil.

That sounds like a cool Young Frankenstein/Reanimator idea. You should rig it up in a clear case with fake electrodes and maybe a Tesla coil on top, a green light shining through the oil and a bubbler aerating the 'reanimator tank' from the bottom.

crumble wrote:

Speaking of the shorter pan I have an short pan which originally came from a solid state Vox practice amp. Would it be safe to connect it to my Surf Bear, It reads 19ohms in and out.

Why? Duh I'm wondering what would happen if I submerged it in mineral oil. I've seen working computers submerged this way so I'm guessing it would be safe but what might it sound like?

Squink Out!

JObeast wrote:

That sounds like a cool Young Frankenstein/Reanimator idea. You should rig it up in a clear case with fake electrodes and maybe a Tesla coil on top, a green light shining through the oil and a bubbler aerating the 'reanimator tank' from the bottom.

Submerge the whole caboodle in a fish tank!
I have a feeling oil would just dampen the reverb signal ..and well, oil is expensive so I might never get around to trying it out.

First post here. Thanks to all on this thread for the helpful info. Much appreciated. I wanted to share my build. I used the SMD version since it was so much smaller. Put it into a 125B enclosure. I mounted the pan in the back of the amp. And just run the RCA to and from the pedal. I've gigged a bunch with this and its totally quiet.

Only MOD I did was to have switchable MIX pots so I can toggle between two different MIX settings. Put the pots on a 4PDT stomp along with a bi-color LED (blue/green) to indicate which pot is selected. Ran out of green knobs, but I'll replace the purple one with a green one when I get a chance so the blue and green knobs will match the LED color toggle.

The great thing about having the PCB in a pedal is that I can add pans to all of my non-verb amps and use this single pedal with all of them. Pretty nice!

Thanks again to everyone.

Forgot some pics. Here they are.


Hey there and welcome to the forum. Do you have some pics to share? That'd be great!

The Hicadoolas

Kinsky, welcome!
Perfect build, perfect concept. Seems like you consolidated all the good info in this thread into your one pedal. Great job!

kinski wrote:

First post here. Thanks to all on this thread for the helpful info. Much appreciated. I wanted to share my build. I used the SMD version since it was so much smaller. Put it into a 125B enclosure. I mounted the pan in the back of the amp. And just run the RCA to and from the pedal. I've gigged a bunch with this and its totally quiet.

Only MOD I did was to have switchable MIX pots so I can toggle between two different MIX settings. Put the pots on a 4PDT stomp along with a bi-color LED (blue/green) to indicate which pot is selected. Ran out of green knobs, but I'll replace the purple one with a green one when I get a chance so the blue and green knobs will match the LED color toggle.

The great thing about having the PCB in a pedal is that I can add pans to all of my non-verb amps and use this single pedal with all of them. Pretty nice!

Thanks again to everyone.

Welcome Kinski, a very nice build!
I discussed a switchable Mix control with LaFleur just the other day Smile

The neat thing about a switchable Mix is that it eliminates the need for a on/off switch. If needed, just to set on of them to zero !

Thanks guys! Much appreciated.

Yeah, exactly, I usually set one mix pretty wet and the other much lower or all the way down. However, with the mix all the way down there is still a VERY SLIGHT amount of reverb that can be heard.

Thanks for the great project, Björn!

Hey Kinski, yes Björn and I discused about switchable mix settings.
We came to two different solutions. One of them has the disadvantage that the already quite high output impedance will rise even more.

How did you do it? Could you post a circuit diagram?
Which resistance values did you use for the two different mix pots?

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