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Permalink Pro and Con on Pedalphilia: the Morality and Esthetics of Surf

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Is there a big muff in there?

da-ron wrote:

Is there a big muff in there?

I live in Plymouth- Ohio! Greetings from across the pond!

I studied the pedal-picture and could not locate the big muff. I did see something that looks like the old Mosrite pedal I have lurking in my basement.

Sad to say it's not what you'd call 'fit'.

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

I think people NOT using any pedals are missing out on something. Sure, you get your sound from your hands, amp, strings, springs, etc. But a nice delay here, some trem there. Why not? And as Simon said, if it had been available at the 1st wave I guess we'd hear a lot of it on the records.
Just imagine U2 without pedals. They are the living proof that over usage of pedals can lead to success - not for surf maybe, but it works. The Edge has a different rig/guitar/board for every measure of their songs Wink

The Hicadoolas

Here's my BAP (Big-Ass-Pedal). Also a Danelectro Tuna Melt (I think). And all the on/off floor switches to the amps and the recording device.
BTW: If does have a "Muff" setting which I use for 90% of my distortion.
It's just the way I was raised.


Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

For what it's worth, the expression "morality" was intended to be tongue in cheek. The only serious word in the title was "esthetics." I'm glad to see so many outspoken pedal lovers. More than that. I'm glad to see that it's a principled, esthetic decision in most cases, not a financial one.

(If the men come to take you to the camp, resist! Although the Sierra Surf Music Camp is supposed to be delightful. If it's that one, pack some pedals and go.)

pervy pedalslut fetischist.
slopoke wrote:


Squink Out!

Last edited: Feb 17, 2015 20:14:15

I hope there's a couple buffered pedals in there or there will be some loss in the signal. Duh

Surf_Skater wrote:

I hope there's a couple buffered pedals in there or there will be some loss in the signal. Duh

Perhaps the OP could petition Electro-Harmonix to develop a new pedal called the Morality Booster/Buffer. It would have be aesthetically pleasing, however, and it would need to be easily concealed in one's Fender tube reverb unit so that no audience member would be the wiser.

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

I try and make it a point to play around 50% of our songs without effects other than using the amp's built in reverb. Just two effects on my pedalboard: a Yamaha MagicStomp and an old Boss DM-2. Hoping that getting a variety of sounds (including the sound of the guitar straight into the amp) will keep our sound more interesting. In addition there is one of these:
It allows a complete buffered bypass of two different effects loops and sounds just like plugging straight into the amp. Has something called "drag" that helps maintain your tone.
Just saw where Boss is bringing back a new version of the old DM-2.
It's supposed to be a faithful reproduction of the original with a custom feature that allows more variations. The originals are going for $200-400 on e-bay so the price of $179 looks OK.

shake_n_stomp wrote:

Surf_Skater wrote:

I hope there's a couple buffered pedals in there or there will be some loss in the signal. Duh

Perhaps the OP could petition Electro-Harmonix to develop a new pedal called the Morality Booster/Buffer. It would have be aesthetically pleasing, however, and it would need to be easily concealed in one's Fender tube reverb unit so that no audience member would be the wiser.

But Leo Fender would know!

Da Vinci Flinglestein,
The quest for the Tone, the tone of the Quest

The Syndicate of Surf on YouTube

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