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Permalink Question for the Verbtones

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I'm listening to to 'Matador' on your mySpace page (cool song by the way)...who plays the flamenco guitar on that song? I ask because I love flamenco guitar and play a little bit myself. I just thought i'd compliment on your technique. Are you playing with a pick or with your fingers, P-I-M-A-S style?

Also, could anybody recommend any other surf tunes similar to this one? With flamenco/spanish guitar in it?


Since it has been a couple days I shall answer for the lads. It is Kyle playing the guitar. Its a really sweet classical guitar. I love it. It has mojo.

Jake, thanks for the reply. Yeah, the classical guitar really makes that song.

Wow I haven't seen this thread till now sorry Wink Jake's on the ball Thanks Jake you tha man Cool Yes it's a 1940s vintage classical guitar with La Bella gut & nylon strings, man that's my favorite tune!!! Yes I played using traditional fingers/hands spanish style "the pima style mainly cause it's true to original classical technique" no picks here and miced with one mic when I recorded it and the only thing missing when I recorded it was the flamenco dancer gal Embarassed

Man I haven't heard anything close to what I wrote or recorded in the surf or instro genre of today I would like to but no luck, if you do find something keep us posted.

You may dig this as well on our upcoming new disc I wrote a spanish flamenco style songs named "Spanish Rum" it's killer I'might have to throw a sample of it on myspace soon I'll keep you katz posted. and I'll take a photo of the classical guitar I am using and used on "Matador"



Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
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The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Forgot to add if you don't have the song "Matador" it's in SG101's download area.


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

The Woodies have a nice tune called "Spanish Word" that has some guitar like that (and some nice trumpet) that breaks out in the middle of the song.

The song has been featured on SpongeBob also I believe.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

..."Spanish Rum" it's killer I'might have to throw a sample of it on myspace soon I'll keep you katz posted. and I'll take a photo of the classical guitar I am using and used on "Matador"

Awesome! Definitely keep us posted, i'd love to hear it. Laughing
If only there was an entire album of flamenco-surf...that's all i'd ever listen to. Hmmm... time for me to break out the recording equip & classical.

HHHm that's an excellent idea I might have to do a disc of instro surf done by the bull ring Rock I might just do that after we finish our new disc stay tuned I like this idea Cool


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
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The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

there is the Mystery Flamenco Guy, but its more just surf standards played with a tad of flair on a classical guitar, Rick of Rikshaw records might know something about that guy.
Rolling Eyes



Also, could anybody recommend any other surf tunes similar to this one? With flamenco/spanish guitar in it? Olé!

Robb, one recommendation I can make is by the Surf Coasters: Intruder #1, which is an all-acoustic flamenco-style intro to their high-powered surf instrumental Intruder. Originally on a CD called "Waiting for the Surf", but it also appears on their best-of, "Misirlou: Tenth Anniversary," which you'll probably have an easier time tracking down.

If you'll allow me to trumpet my band, the Madeira, we also do a version of the Surf Coasters' Intruder together with the flamenco-style Intruder #1 on our CD-EP "Ruins." On the same CD is our version of Paco de Lucia's classic Almoraima, arranged for electric instruments, but I do play one rhythm guitar track using rasgueados on a nylon-string guitar. Finally, I play a solo middle-eastern/flamenco intro on a classical guitar on our track Burning Mirage, which you can hear on our MySpace site. I played it with a pick simply cause I wanted a bit more of a middle-eastern sound to it, a bit more oud-like.

Hope you like.

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

HHHm that's an excellent idea I might have to do a disc of instro surf done by the bull ring Rock I might just do that after we finish our new disc stay tuned I like this idea Cool

Check out Los Mex Pistols Del Norte (from Eugene!) they do lots of traditional bullring music.

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