the question is in the title
i think with a not too fast tempo all downstroke is possible ,moreover it is more punchy but ,
i have seen i play much cooler with alternate picking and it is more easy to speed up also ,but i have a big trouble to learn some licks ,i spend lot of time to educate my right hand to not move with the wrong up or downstroke ,and it is really boring cause i must learn things really slow to avoid mistake at right hand (in fact the left play it really more faster)
Suggest ? cause with sixteen note in eight note phrase it beguin to be a big headache (for me )
play eight only down and alternate for sixteen or play alternate the eight also but speed up the move for sixteen ?big risk of moving tempo
i works my rythm cause i am not the best with linked note ,i try to be on time ,the linked and complex out of time are a little problematics sometimes like the figure ,
first sixteen linked to the third sixteen and another picking on the four one
Last edited: Feb 08, 2015 12:53:22