Hello guys,
We're doing a small tour in Europe on our way to the Surfer Joe Festival.
Here is the routing :
Thu June 11 : Leipzig (TBC)
Fri June 12 : Berlin - any help appreciated
Sat June 13 : Prague (TBC)
Sun June 14 : Brno/Bratislava - any help appreciated
Mon June 15 : Vienna - Das Bach w/ Balu & die Surfgrammeln
Tue June 16 : Innsbruck (TBC)
Wed June 17 : Switzerland or Italy - any help appreciated
Thu June 18 : Milano (TBC)
Fri June 19 : Surfer Joe Fest (watching shows and partying)
Sat June 20 : Surfer Joe Fest (showtime at 18:40)
Sun June 21 : Surfer Joe Fest (recovering from Saturday night party + watching shows + more partying)
Mon June 22 : Trip back to Belgium
So, there are still 3 shows for which I haven't any serious leads and, as said, any help appreciated.
We'll be 5 on the road, with full backline (we are ok to share it with other bands) and also sleeping bags and mats.
We might play 2 or 3 shows with Daikaju (Berlin, Prague and ?).
If you can help, PM me or (better) get in touch via piratoketchup (at) hotmail (dot) com
Thanks !