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Permalink FRV-1 vs. Flint vs. Fender Tank vs. Surfy Bear vs. G-Spring

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Neat comparison, thanks for taking the time to do this !!! To my ears the RI reverb tank and FRV1 sounded similar bright and with presence and the Gomez and Flint sounded similar darker with lower mids (warmer maybe to some).

Thanks a lot to everyone! It really was a pleasure to make this demo for all the reverb junkies out there. Never thought this would get so much positive response or even become a sticky! I wish I could have demoed more units, as there are more serious competitors out there like the Topanga or Guyatone. Or a real vintage unit, silverface unit, Texotica, etc., but atm I don't see a point in buying more reverbs, when I have 5 useful units.
Tavo, I checked your page and IIRC there is a Nocturne 6G15, but I couldn't find it anywhere for sale?

The Hicadoolas

I'll edit the wiki here after Brian shows me what's broke. Fixing a zillion things like he does, it's always something else. I'm sure that's why he has the avatar he does. Wouldn't be surprised if that video went semi-viral

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Last edited: Jan 19, 2015 17:06:06

Adding my voice to the chorus (wait, not chorus, reverb!)

Anyway, thanks so much for doing this! really informative. maybe at the next SG101 convention it'd be possible to line up as many different reverbs as possible and do a massive version of this?

Matt Heaton & the Electric Heaters
Boston's Premier Surf/Noir Combo

SanchoPansen wrote:

Thanks a lot to everyone! It really was a pleasure to make this demo for all the reverb junkies out there. Never thought this would get so much positive response or even become a sticky! I wish I could have demoed more units, as there are more serious competitors out there like the Topanga or Guyatone. Or a real vintage unit, silverface unit, Texotica, etc., but atm I don't see a point in buying more reverbs, when I have 5 useful units.
Tavo, I checked your page and IIRC there is a Nocturne 6G15, but I couldn't find it anywhere for sale?

the Nocturne F-bomb is pure corksniffer stuff though! A Topanga reverb pedal is a super deal for someone that can afford too much and it doesnt eff with your dry signal like the Boss pedal.

If you scroll down to the bottom of the page my F-Bomb 'verb tank is there. I didnt cut any corners in its construction and it wasnt intended to be an economic choice. Rather I wanted its preamp to be very hi fi and work well with Gretsch guitars and bigsby pickups.

My harsh, abrasive conclusions:
The Fender Reissue is so flat and lifeless that I deemed it digital. Shame on me, except the FRV-1, Digital is indeed a lot better now, the Flint sounds a lot more natural in the recording than I felt when testing it.
The SurfyBear is a better reverb than the Fender RI. I use the MOD C pan with the SurfyBear, to my ears it differs from the B in the test.
The Gomez is killer. Warm and dynamic, pleasure to the ears, tuned perfectly.
The Boss is what is is. Like Microsoft, like politics, like leprosy, I'm tired of hating it...
I bet if the Topanga was used too, it would have confused the hell out of everybody. I just played it last time before selling (finally!), and it is an awesome pedal.

Very interesting results, personally it taught me more than about reverbs and pans - it showed my that I can trust my ears, and to what extent. Even though I got 3 wrong... my excuse is constructive:
In a shootout, one must choose to either- try to approximate the exact sound from all the units, OR- try for the best individual expression of each unit. This test seemed to kinda mix between the two methods.
Sancho, I know this kind of thing takes a lot of time to setup, and you did the most extensive comparison yet. Informative and a lot of fun. Finally someone who knows exactly what to play and how to attack a guitar to demonstrate, non of that blooze riffing nosense. Greatly appreciated!

Sancho, that was a great comparison, and perfect playing to demonstrate the differences. I liked what LaFleur said right at the start A,C,D are real tanks (which was proven to be true).
Interesting factoid, yesterday Jonpaul was at my place and I switched between different pans on ONE reverb unit (Texotica).
MOD, 3 different Gibbs, 90s Accutronics, MIK Accutronics.
The differences were very very clear. We also compared a G-Spring, Texotica and modded RI. All had MOD pans, but not using the same pan. Of course, they all sounded different.

The caveat about sterile/recording vs live band situation is true. Not for "you won't hear the difference", but the other way around. For example. Gibbs pans could work very well in the studio. Or in a trio. Or in a band that has very clear "one guitar rhythm, one lead" distinction. Try them with 2 guitars that switch might not hear reverb in the mix.

The Scimitars

Let me add a thanks to SanchoPansen! This was the best thread I've seen in a long time and very informative.

Great playing and a really well-thought out choice of material to demonstrate the reverb units.

The Flint was a purchase I was planning on making, but not after hearing this.
I was shocked at how similar the Surfy Bear came to the real deal...the drip is totally there.
The Gomez had the best bloom of the bunch and that classic fat sound I'm used to hearing from the 1st wave...I actually found myself wishing there was just a little less drip. Probably a minor tweak of the tone knob. Great sound!
I differ with many here in that I really liked the RI sound...not the classic sound but really focused and clear.
The Boss was pretty meh...but beat the legendary Strymon in this blind test. I guess hype works its magic.

@matt: why not line up all the reverbs and use them AT ONCE! Just kidding, of course Wink Nice idea to do this in a live situation, maybe as a workshop. Not a real shootout, but just a presentation of all the different units. Maybe even in a blind test. Visual Sound has a couple of these live blind tests on their youtube channel. It is very interesting to watch, unfortunately they did not do it for reverb.
@Tavo: Ah, the F-Bomb, sweet! Really dig it!
@Ariel: Please don't see this post as a test, because that's not what I wanted to do. The intention to do it in a blind comparison first, was to get away from prejudice. Everyone knows the G-Spring is superb and most people don't like the FRV-1 that much. But it isn't about brands, it is about you and your personal taste, so there is no right or wrong Wink I tried to dial in the best possible sound of each unit. See my previous post, it will explain why they all sound 'close' but not the same. I also was really tired of seeing spring reverb demos on youtube and all they demo is blues scales noodling.
@Ran: Oh yes, the pans are like the heart of the reverbs.
@Blueruins: don't forget that the Flint also comes with an outstanding tremolo side! So you get 2 pedals in 1 and both sides are useful. Like I said before, the Flint sounds good in a band situation and I keep it on my board as a) backup and b) I use the Flint's brownface/harmonic tremolo and I love it!

The Hicadoolas

Last edited: Jan 20, 2015 03:28:56

Sancho, great idea and thank you so much!

Really impressed by the G-spring !!! it sounds Amazing to my ears !! how's live??


Watang! Mandarine Surfers

SanchoPansen wrote:

  • Fender RI tank (6K6, C10 mod, good 70s pan I pulled out of a Bandmaster Reverb TFL5005D)

This is autopsy-stuff, but do you recall the value of cap you substituted in C10? 390, 500 ?

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Badger wrote:

SanchoPansen wrote:

  • Fender RI tank (6K6, C10 mod, good 70s pan I pulled out of a Bandmaster Reverb TFL5005D)

This is autopsy-stuff, but do you recall the value of cap you substituted in C10? 390, 500 ?

1000! Wink

The Hicadoolas

SanchoPansen wrote:

Badger wrote:

SanchoPansen wrote:

  • Fender RI tank (6K6, C10 mod, good 70s pan I pulled out of a Bandmaster Reverb TFL5005D)

This is autopsy-stuff, but do you recall the value of cap you substituted in C10? 390, 500 ?

1000! Wink

Shock That must've been an expensive forklift operator.

Thanks. Smile

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Very impressive comparison!
Thanks a lot Sancho for recording this.

Thank you for the Surfy Bear! Wink

The Hicadoolas

Great job!!! As a never tried reverb tank - decided not to guess although..

Is Surfy Bear available only as a DIY kit? I want one of them badly after this comparison)

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

SanchoPansen wrote:

Thank you for the Surfy Bear! Wink

Yes indeed! I think this kit is a far better solution than originally thought and will change the game for some. Obviously, as said above, the pans matter BIGTIME! (Comprehensive test between pans on a video as good as you did would be interesting.)

Now that I finally bought a decent soldering station - this might be my first project. Having a quality tool around has opened up some possibilities. I just need to find something really sinister to enclose it in.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Do it! It's totally worth it and a fun project. And yes, it is only available as a kit, but it is quite simple and the manual is very good. And there's also this post, if you get stuck or have further questions.

/Edit: I might do a pan shootout soon Wink

The Hicadoolas

Last edited: Jan 21, 2015 05:14:10

Samurai wrote:

Great job!!! As a never tried reverb tank - decided not to guess although..

Is Surfy Bear available only as a DIY kit? I want one of them badly after this comparison)

The R4 version includes the loaded PCB, so if doing surface-mount work is an issue, this is a pretty great alternative. Seems that it only leaves some connections, construction, and bringing some imagination to the table in terms of pan, enclosure etc. For the outstanding price of an already-loaded board, that's what I'd do in a heartbeat.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

I have think to something
Lorenzo could you make a clinics for reverb demonstration at livorno ?
like you make last year for surf drumming ,surf guitar
in fact need only a good guitarist with a guitar ,a good amp of course also
and after the guys plug in different reverb and we can hear in live contest the result
for fun it could be blind test at first all the reverb behind a curtain with a vote like Sancho Does
and after a demasking to know what is the much prefered one of all (maybe we will have surprise in fact )
also i will really happy for a demonstartion of how to set a reverb to sound like a band sound (for drip ,ect...)

Kilian i wait the pan comparative ,too Big Grin

Last edited: Jan 21, 2015 10:41:03

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