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There's an in n' out in Austin now.

Happy happy.


Indeed. We went there back in October when touring through.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

It's cool to me because I used to have to travel to cali for in n out. ;)


Our key player is a souther california native and spent years touting how great In n Out is. None of us had ever had it. Josh and I both felt it was just an OK burger. Erek, our vegan member, ended up loving it.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

It's not amazing by any means - But it serves here as an alternative to P. Terry's, when you get sick of eating the same stupid burger for weeks on end.

Of course, technically one shouldn't eat burgers for weeks on end, but I only get to be young once. Big Grin


I don't trust any burger that puts raw onion on it. Carmelize that shit! And Iceberg lettuce... why would you put that on a burger?

"Hey dog, heard you like burgers. Here is a huge slice of freshly refrigerated tomato!" - asshole burger place

None of the 19 best burgers are in OC. Sigh
Since they list in-and-out as one of the 19,
I can't give this list any credibility.

That really tall burger in this post has beans in it.
That can add insult to injury afterwards.

Noel's London Broil looks gourmet.
Great to know that cow gave up it's life for a good cause.
We should invite Noel here for the Surf Convention so he can cook
for us. Yes

JakeDobner wrote:

I don't trust any burger that puts raw onion on it. Carmelize that shit!


Very Happy

I actually really love onion rings on a burger. Anyone else?


I hadn't checked this in awhile. Noel, how did London Broil get in with the burgers? Smile

PrestonRice wrote:

JakeDobner wrote:

I don't trust any burger that puts raw onion on it. Carmelize that shit!


Not on my "gotta have" list but absolutely. Yes I don't want a burger where I need a constrictor's mouth to eat it. But a fine onion ring is often better than the slice of onion they might've put on. As a standard side I'd rather have onion rings anyway so sometimes I'll just donate one for "the cause."

Very Happy

I actually really love onion rings on a burger. Anyone else?

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

I do exactly the same. In any situation where I can substitute onion rings for fries, I do, and at least one or two usually end up on my burger.

By the way, anyone ever try the banzai burger at red robin? Not a huge fan of eating there, but that burger is awesome. Pineapple goes so well with so many things.


This could get to be like a band burger map, stops along the way, with detailed directions for all roads leading to Noel's London Broil...
Stir the Pot

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

JakeDobner wrote:

Jeff, is that link true? To me, any time the word 'best' is in conjunction with 'burger' that is a sure-fire recipe for a bland burger.

I had a damn good burger three times this week... There is a rotating specialty burger at a dorm eatery at work. Normally they are shit, but the "Smokehouse" burger was delicious.

Of that list, I've only been to Hodads n Rocky's in SD, Slaters 50/50 here in OC, and of course in n out. Of those 4. In n out is the lowest on the list. Good but not amazing.
The other 3 are all great. But I limit myself to a few times a year.
Otherwise I'd be dead even earlier than I will be.


I'm finally grillin' today!

Why the long delay? The grill got dropped on the rear wheels by the movers, leaving it with a bent frame and steep tail drop. Worse, one of the stray male cats (The neighbors were feeding only two stray cats when we met them last July, but now they are feeding twenty! - and we're down-wind...) decided, unbeknownst by me, to spend the winter under the grill cover, which he sprayed regularly to mark as his own. WOW! Good thing I oil the grill to prevent corrosion. It's gonna have to be uncovered from now on.

Everything's finally cleaned up and ready to use. Mmmmm... burgers! Big Grin

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jun 21, 2016 11:33:00

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