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Week 48: November 30, 2014

The Abominable Showmen - "Rob The Ripper" - The Abominable Showmen
Los Winston Lobos - "The Man Who Surfed The World" - The Man Who Surfed The World
Crazy Aces - "Big Dog" - Surfadelic Spy A-Go-Go
Surfer Joe/Ralf Kilauea - "Mozzarella Sunrise" - Fenderoni Diavolo
The Kilaueas - "Universal Spy" - Wiki Waki Woooo!
Urban Surf Kings - "Trans Ural Express" - Penguin Or Robot?
The Charades - "Theme From Around The World In 80 Days" - All Around The World With
Bang Mustang! - "Bughouse Surfer" - Surfin’ NSA
The Del-Vipers - "Disaster Magnet" - Terror Of The Del-Vipers
El Ray - "Justin Case" - The Evil Mermaid
Threesome - "Combo Swell" - On Tour
Johnny Carbonaras - "Hiastos" - Johnny Carbonaras
The Phantom Four - "Labaro" - Mandira
Danny Amis & Twin Tones - "Double Indemnity" - Super Spy Western Tones
Dark City - "Spit Of The Devil" - Richochet
Surflamingo - "El Globo" - Creatures From The Deep

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Thanks for playing "Big Dog" on your show!



Thanks for the airplay. Much appreciated!


Canadian Surf

Of course, guys. It's entirely my pleasure!

Week 49: December 7, 2014

The Grande Bois - "Killer Hornet" - Meltdown
Terrorist Bengala Party - "Pacific Trash Vortex" - Monsters Of Surf
The Concussions - "Wolfe" - Break Up With
The Derangers - "Ether Cocktail" - The Legend Of Daphne Blue and The Westernmental Sound
13th Magic Skull - "Sungazing" - Sungazing In Rapa Nui
The Irradiates - "Dark Matter" - Revenge Of The Plants
Said The Ripper - "Shadow Alley" - Shadow Alley
The Guitaraculas - "Shadow Of A Spy" - Two Bottles Of Blood
Phonocaptors - "Iron Boots" - Danse Macabre
Gold Dust Lounge - "Sidewinder" - Lost Sunset
Watang! - "Barba Kutsushita" - Miss Wong
Danny Amis & Twin Tones - "Thunderball" - Super Spy Western Tones
Audios Amigos - "Buy One Get One Freebird" - 432 Hurtz
Moonbase - "Bluejay" - Creation Myths
Dirty Fuse - "Dark Sands" - Last Wave
Electrohumedos - "Pope’s Doped" - Electrohumedos

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Nice to see Los Twin Tones in there; good song. Some serious nasty-good tremelo choices in there.

NSSR listeners continue to be blessed to have you.
Thumbs Up

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Week 50: December 14, 2014

The Illuminators - "Granada" - Road To Damascus EP (Rekall)
Daikaiju - "Spiral Serpent Strike" - Monsters Of Surf (Ding Dong)
The Concussions - "Morning Breath" - Break Up With (Double Crown)
The Irradiates - "Sap Rain" - Revenge Of The Plants (Productions Impossible)
Crazy Aces - "Kikobella" - Surfadelic Spy-A-Go-Go (Crazyphonic)
Dark City - "Pillars" - Richochet EP (Mass Destruction)
Threesome - "Tellurion" - On Tour (Double Crown)
The Phantom Four - "Asra" - Mandira (Green Cookie/Mirananda)
Surfer Joe/Ralf Kilauea - "Fenderoni Diavolo" - Fenderoni Diavolo 7” (Surfer Joe)
El Ray - "Justin Case" - The Evil Mermaid (Green Cookie)
The Kilaueas - "The Tremolo Gear Butt" - Wiki Waki Woooo! (Allscore)
Johnny Carbonaras - "Hurricane You Like A Rock" - Johnny Carbonaras (Green Makaroni)
Bang Mustang! - "King Kahuna" - Surfin’ NSA (Rhythm Bomb)
Dirty Fuse - "The New Victor" - Last Wave (Deep Eddy)
The Surf Raiders - "Point Conception ’63" - The Originals: 1981-88 (Create Space)

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Thanks for spinning "KikoBella"!
We sure appreciate it.



Of course, Jeff! It's my pleasure. Incidentally, North Sea Surf Radio didn't do a "2014 Best Of Countdown" this year, so this past weekend all the DJs presented their own personal bests of the year. There was no doubt to include Crazy Aces!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Wow, thank you so much Jonpaul for including us in that list!



JONPAUL wrote:

Of course, Jeff! It's my pleasure. Incidentally, North Sea Surf Radio didn't do a "2014 Best Of Countdown" this year, so this past weekend all the DJs presented their own personal bests of the year. There was no doubt to include Crazy Aces!

This explains why the usually great playlists have been PHENOMENAL of late.
Thumbs Up

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Jonpaul on now


Listening while cleaning the shop.
Keep us energized Jonpaul!

That was a great show Jonpaul. Glad you were plugging that 2014 comp again; that is a great collection for what is, imo, an extremely modest donation to the station.

Thumbs Up

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Apologies for the delay in posting playlists! It's too easy to get too far behind with these!

Dec. 21, 2014:

Aloha Screwdriver - "It Fell From Earth" - One Too Many (2014)
Jimmy Strings - "Dutchman" - Instro Hits (Planeta Reverb, 2014)
The Men From...Beyond - "Nerd Plower" - Deep Tide (Nov, 2014)
JEO - "The Restless Sea" - Restless Sea (2014)
The Radtones - "Wild Bob" - Rad Times In Sun City (2014)
Condor Gruppe - "Montenegro" - Latituds Del Cavall (Sept, 2014)
Twangozilla - "Mexican Girls Vs. Voodoo Witch" - Mexican Girl Vs. Voodoo Witch (April, 2014)
The Del Rios - "Nightmare Stomp" - Ride! (July, 2014)
Surf’s Up Spicoli - "Psycho Island" - Surf’s Up Spicoli (Nov, 2014)
Los Gringos - "Love To Be Lazy" - Surf Fast, Sleep Long (April, 2014)
The Revomatics - "Mic The Martian" - Live At Lucky Joe’s Tiki Room (2014)
Fascinating Creatures Of The Deep - "Just Add Water" - Chapter One (2014)
The Evanstones - "Gonzo" - There Are No Words (2014)
Thee Imperial Royales - "The Path To The Black Lodge" - It’s Dark (Bandcamp: Oct, 2014)
Man Or Astroman? - "All Systems Go" - Defcon (2013)
The Crimson Ghosts - "Where Eagles Dare" - Some Kinda Hits (Necro-Tone, 2005)

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Jan. 4, 2015:

Tuareg - "Torbellino" - Go! Go! Surf (Grabaciones Tuareg, 2014)
The Mutants - "El Ray" - Mutacalypso Now! (Jump, 2013)
Slobodan Experiment - "Nejatov" - Electric Surf School (2014)
The Surf Raiders - "The Surf Raider" - The Originals:1981-1988 (Surf Wax/Create Space, 2014)
Culebra And Thee Evolution Surf School - "Longboard Shattered" - Surf Revellution (2013)
Els A Phonics - "Albufera Stomp" - Els A Phonics & Friends (Sleazy, 2014)
The Lucks - "Plymouth Rock" - Mono (Bandcamp, 2014)
The Chewbacca’s - "A Shot In The Dark" - Meet Espectroplasma (TVox)
Spooks - "The Spook Walks" - Telstars, Mexicans, Manhunts & Wonderful Lands (Rockhistory(UK), 2013)
The Boss Martians - "Highball At Hatty’s" - Double Crown Surf Party (Double Crown, 2014)
The Kilaueas - "Cafe Bagdad" - Wiki Waki Woooo! (Allscore, 2014)
Kenny Sasaki & The Tiki Boys - "Spider" - Bird Island (2014)
The Sand Devils - "Scrambled" - The Sand Devils (2011)
Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited - "Revenge Of The Belly Dancer (From Korla Rides Again)" - Plays Lost TV Themes (Mai Tai, 1997)
Os Brutus - "Jacques o Monstro" - Cidade Suja Desastrada (2014)

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Jan. 11, 2015:

The Phantoms - "Tabu" - Rock N’ Roll Guitar Instrumentals From South American Vol. 2-Brazil (Stylus)
Kingargoolas - "Corra Carlos, Corra" - Kingargoolas (2013)
Los 4 Planetas - "Flight Of The Bumble Bee " - Rock N’ Roll Guitar Instrumentals From South American Vol. 1 (Stylus)
The Tormentos - "The Search For The Lost Tiki" - Grab Your Board (2010)
Culebra & Thee Evolution Surf School - "Longboard Shattered" - Surf Revellution (2013)
Los Kahunas - "6G15" - Otro Reverberante Encuentro Con
Los Freneticos - "Casa Arab" - El Playa (2012)
The Beach Breakers - "Running Up To The Shore" - Summer Trip (ATMC 2010)
Los Diablos Azules - "Winter Sun" - Rock N’ Roll Guitar Instrumentals From South American Vol. 1 (Stylus)
Los Protones - "Concheperla" - Mara Villa (2013)
Los Stomias - "Death Curve" - Mercosurf Compilation (2012)
Los Pegajosos - "In Vitro" - Profecia Celeste (2013)
Twin Tones - "Batalla de Columbus" - La Muerte In Mojave (2013)
The Cavernarios - "Coctel Manhattan" - Camino a Varadero (2011)
Los Twangers - "Los Diableros" - Planeta Twanger (2008)
Telekrimen - "Hermanos Muerte" - Mexican Madness (Isotonic, 2002)
The Supersonicos - "Twanglight Zone" - Irrupcion en el Cosmos (1997)
Los Twang Marvels - "Runaway From Zardoz" - Guitars in Orbit (El Toro, 2005)
Mullet Monster Mafia - "Sands Of Little England" - Monsters Of Surf (Ding Dong, 2014)

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Jan. 18, 2015:

Slingshot Dragster - "UTI" - Bite The Bullet (Feb., 2014)
The Tsunami Experiment - "Last Man On Earth" - Ones And Zeros (Feb 1, 2015)
Slobodan Experiment - "Vlaski" - Electric Surf School (Sept ’14)
Condor Gruppe - "Cardinale" - Latituds Del Cavall (Sept ’14)
The Tormentos - "Locked In" - Death Drop (Scatter, 2007)
The Beat Tornados - "oppoe fjellet" - Pole Position (Amigo, 1998)
Seks Bomba - "Theme From Mondo Edgar" - Operation Bomba (Yaya, 1998)
The Charades (with Jet Harris) - "Man With A Golden Arm" - As Hot As Cool Can Be (2009)
Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet - "Our Weapons Are Useless" - Savvy Show Stoppers (Cargo, 1990)
El Ray - "Den Shaker" - The Evil Mermaid" - (Green Cookie, 2014)
Gein And The Graverobbers - "Black Sunday" - The Passion Of The Anti-Christ (Necro-Tone, 2005)
Bill Frisell - "Pipeline" - Guitar In The Space Age (Okeh, 2014)
The Sand Devils - "Well of Souls" - The Sand Devils (2011)
El Supernaut - "Aces High" - Plays Half Dead
The Ventures "Fear (Main Title From “One Step Beyond”)" - Ventures In Space (Dolton, 1963)
Man Or Astro-Man? - Codebreaker Seventy Eight - Defcon (Communicating Vessels, 2013)
The Bambi Molesters - "Panic Party" - As The Dark Wave Swells (Dancing Bear, 2010)

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Jan. 25, 2015:

El Ray - "The Peepshow" - The Evil Mermaid (2014)
El Ray - "Den Shaker" The Evil Mermaid (2014)
Star & The Key Of The Indian Ocean - "Thessaloniki" - Rock N’ Roll Fiasco (2003)
The Mutants - "Agents Of The Universe" - Deathrace 3000 (2002)
Les Agamemnonz - "Au Revoir" - Unreleased
The Moe Greene Specials - "Maplewood Drive" - The Moe Greene Specials (2005)
Insect Surfers - "Sea Scorpion" Infra Green Vinyl (2014)
Los Venturas - "Revenge Of The Tikis Part II" - Kaleydoskop (2011)
Los Venturas - "Mathar" Paisley Beach
I Fantomatici - "Serial Killer Surf" - Unreleased 3rd Album
Speedball Jr. - "Beat Girl" - Treble In Paradise (2011)
Dirty Fuse - "Broken Wheels" - Dirty Fuse (2012)
Watang! - "Return Of The Dragon Lady" - Ms. Wong (Future Release)
The Phantom Four - Tiempo De Revancha - Mandira (2014)
Wadadli Riders - "Dwell At 10" - Made In Antigua (2009)
Surfer Joe - "Etage 8" - Senor Surf (2013)
The Surfacers - "The Last Wave" - The Surfacers (2004)

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Another GREAT show. What a nice background while hooking up a vintage Marantz.
Thanks for the vibes!

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Hey Jonpaul,

thanks for the spin!


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