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Permalink SG101 on myspace?

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Hey Brian I think it would an excellent idea for you to start a myspace page for SG101??? any thoughts, since every body and thier mother is doing it why not SG101 Very Happy it would be great exposer


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

that would be a "yes", overkill? maybe, but why not...

I don't think it's overkill persay, I would say about 95% of companys, bands or some sort of club-group has a myspace page or has jump on the band wagon it's a thing to do these days, a mainsite and a myspace page, stear more traffic spread the love.


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

I'm all for it, but you also have to remember the work that it takes to upkeep a myspace -- I spend about an hour a week keeping up with our friend requests alone. Yes, it's great for networking, but it is time consuming as well.


do it!

I think Kristena must spend a Hour a day just on her myspce.

Rolling Eyes

But I do agree that a myspace for sg101 would be great advertisement for it.

and maybe it would get more hot young single chicks in here.



Its not like Brian has anything better to do. Shocked

(I keed, I keed)

Maybe someone besides Brian would volunteer to maintain it? Anyone?

Maybe someone besides Brian would volunteer to maintain it? Anyone?

Brian gets first dibs unitl we hear from him and what his thoughts are on the subject? Wink


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

I nominate TikiTena as the official SG101 MySpace Hostess...

well, it seems like a cool idea but at the same time I can think of a few reasons to not make a myspacepage.

but before we discuss this any further, afaik Brian owns the copyright to the name "surfguitar101" so it's really up to him if and how this would be done. Let's see what Brian thinks, and maybe then discuss the pros and cons.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I agree with WR above^
We should wait for Brian's input, and further discussion, before proceeding with this one.


I'm one of those old coots who doesn't "get" myspace. The times I have used it have angered me. As a computer guy, I see features that don't work for days. Looonnng load times. Search feature sucks or just doesn't work. Giving people the ability to create illegible, unreadable pages blaring horrible music every time I click. Ugh. Lots of posers and blathering blogs about nothing. Its all very High School cliquish.

But: if I were in a band I would definitely do it, and I think it has worked reasonably well for bands (the original purpose of the site).

When I type "surf guitar" into google, we come up number 1 (Dick Dale is second 8O) so I am not worried about more advertisement.

Despite the above "crazy grumpy old guy" rant, the main reason is that I just don't have the time to keep up with all the friend requests. I barely have time to keep track of this site. I'm not interested in having anyone set up a proxy myspace page either for me. Feel free to mention this site on there but I'll stay away for now.

I do appreciate you all spreading the word about this site on myspace. We definitely have gathered a lot of new members from myspace. 90% of that is probably due to Kristena, no doubt. Worship

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'm one of those old coots who doesn't "get" myspace. The times I have used it have angered me. As a computer guy, I see features that don't work for days. Looonnng load times. Search feature sucks or just doesn't work. Giving people the ability to create illegible, unreadable pages blaring horrible music every time I click. Ugh. Lots of posers and blathering blogs about nothing. Its all very High School cliquish.


<img src="klzzwxh:0000"></img>

Although it may seem like a good idea, I don't think it would work out very well. Too many hackers, too many errors, and too much downtime. I do promote SG101 on my myspace though.

I am super sweet

Maybe just a myspace for all upcoming surf gigs. I could see that being useful.

I am super sweet

I do appreciate you all spreading the word about this site on myspace. We definitely have gathered a lot of new members from myspace. 90% of that is probably due to Kristena, no doubt. Worship

ahem cough cough, Wink
I think I have brought alot of people here.
I am always talking people into coming here and leaving the yahoo groups behind. and also telling new surf fans I meet online(e-mails) and in Person.
about SG101.



Brian said, of the people who came here through myspace, 90% came via TT - a fair assesment.

You see, TT is our myspace recruiter - you're our "real world" guy Very Happy Cheers (and of course the yahoogroups and tiki central maybe?)

BTW, BTD, why don't YOU have a myspace page?

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

An easier way to spread the word about SG101 would be to have a set of clickable banners available, that everyone on here who have a MySpace could choose from an then put up on their respective MySpaces. I just put up such a banner on our page:

Clearly there are a lot of dedicated surf music fans on MySpace who have probably never heard of SG101 but would love to join in on the forum discussions, which of course would also boost the genre as a whole.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Yes, BTD, I was talking about members coming from myspace. TikiTena has sent a lot of people this way from myspace.

I hereby recognize BTD for bringing stragglers from the Yahoo Groups and "real life" to this site. Worship

Klas, I need some people to make some banners for me. I will add a "link to us" page here with the various banners. Good idea. People have asked for that in the past.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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