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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Looking for a lead or rhythm guitarist in Texas or southern Oklahoma

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This is one heckuva long shot. I am trying to start up a surf instrumental band in Wichita Falls, Texas. I have already placed an ad on Craigslist which has gotten zero responses in nearly 4 weeks. Everything is country and/or Texas "Red Dirt" music in these parts. I would love to find a guitarist that has salt-water in their veins, as I do.

Wichita Falls, Texas is about 150 miles north of Dallas/Ft. Worth or about 120 miles south of Oklahoma City. Zip code 76301.

Looking forward to any musicians on this site that may want to have a go at it. I have a great, secure jam pad and a full PA. Just need that second guitar player to make it all work. I also play keyboards.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Last edited: Nov 20, 2013 13:47:30

Well, I know a bassist in Kaw City who at least knows what surf music is, but that's a bit too much of a commute.

No responses yet. Bump.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.


We have some members from Texas. I would have thought you would have received some responses. Check with Preston. If he is too far away, he may know someone close to you.


That's a little too far, but thanks for the reference, Norm. I do have a couple friends up there, I'll ask around.



Any help would be much appreciated. I've had an ad on Craigslist for almost 3 months without a single response.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Last edited: Jan 02, 2014 12:23:10

OK, the fifth month after placing my ad for a guitarist has gotten me nothing as of yet.

I can find a gazillion rock guitarists...not one surf guitarist. :/


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

You may have to convert a rock guy to surf. I've found some great bass players that way.

Ted James
Deep Eddy Records
The Nematoads

I am a lead guitarist and I would be interested, if I lived in Texas. Perhaps when I graduate and move out (this year in November) I could make may way to Wichita Falls. I have one year experience so far.

Grab the jag, then the surfboards and hop in the Woody. Let's Go Trippin.

I'm in Waco Tx.....If I was closer I would oblige ya on the rhythm guitarist part. Kind of the same problem here.....people here only play both kinds of music, "country" and "western"


Well I do Don Wilson's Robust type of rythum guitar. So id be willing to do that however id prefer lead because I can pretty much play any type of sheet music in front of me. I do Have a year expierence as a professional lead guitarist. But yes. Im up for being rythum.

Grab the jag, then the surfboards and hop in the Woody. Let's Go Trippin.

Finally (!) found a guitar player. A heavy metal guitar player saw my ad on Craigslist looking for a surf guitarist. He told me it took a month of contemplating whether to contact me. Only after listening to a lot of Dick Dale and early Ventures did he realize what a fun project it'd be. (And how technical surf guitar can be since it's all CLEAN; no distortion to mask mistakes).

I'm really stoked. Our first show is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, July 5th. I need a band name...any help from you guys would be awesome.

Also, I am looking to buy an all-white Dipinto Galaxie 4. I contacted Dipinto direct, they are sold out in that color.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

wish i woulda seen this post, im a surf guitar player in southern ok
been playin it since i was 12. ive had to resort to playin country since no one around here wants to play this style

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