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I know of a current Norwegian garage/beat group that are supposed to only carry money from the 60s and only make phone calls from phone booths Very Happy

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I know of a current Norwegian garage/beat group that are supposed to only carry money from the 60s and only make phone calls from phone booths Very Happy

That's a pretty neat gimmick, but I don't think you could go back much farther than that and pull it off. Otherwise it'll end up with playing Vaudeville tunes and only releasing music on wax cylinders, which isn't nearly as cool.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Good one Warren,



I know of a current Norwegian garage/beat group that are supposed to only carry money from the 60s and only make phone calls from phone booths Very Happy

I bet that shtick ends when it comes time to get paid after a gig. I'd assume that they like to get paid 2007 gig wages, not 60's wages.


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

Like say The Benny Goodman Band and The Brian Setzer Orchestra.
Theres a name for who prefers which one??
Sticks and stones.....
nazi, to me, means a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.
Notta to do with surf music. Maybe since surf only lasted 3 or so years, and was tackled by the brit invasion, its protected differently by folks who prefer its roots and original sound. I'd imagine its a name calling thing by the 'non-originals' so maybe its just completly unfair to begin with. Just another way to identify yourself. I doubt the originators came up with the term. None the less it is humourous. I'd hate to see the real deal have to defend themselves over this silly though.

My (edit: modern) Trad Band chioce would be The Volcanos!

Would a trad nazi buy any surf released on cd? Even if it was a compilation of old 45s that wasn't available on lp? Would their heads explode?

Would a trad nazi buy any surf released on cd? Even if it was a compilation of old 45s that wasn't available on lp? Would their heads explode?

This is an interesting postulation Ted. Anybody have a copy of Eddie and the Showman "Squad Car" that they are willing to load out and perhaps get blood on?

If that works perhaps we'll see if that person likes a little Strange Dave.


Would a trad nazi buy any surf released on cd? Even if it was a compilation of old 45s that wasn't available on lp? Would their heads explode?

This is an interesting postulation Ted. Anybody have a copy of Eddie and the Showman "Squad Car" that they are willing to load out and perhaps get blood on?

If that works perhaps we'll see if that person likes a little Strange Dave.

Good call, Jake.

I thought I heard somewhere through the grapevine that Strange Dave had been kicked out of "Strange but Surf", but I could be wrong...

now THERE was a trad band...


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