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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Musicians & Gigs Wanted »

Permalink Need some music for an animated short film

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We're making an educational short film about colors for children. The style will have a print making feel to it and feature two tikis as the main characters. The style will look something like this:


What we're hoping to do is find a decent band who can deliver a nice piece of music that has a classic tiki/surf type sound, and maybe something percussion heavy?

We're looking for something around a minute or two in length, and we're not against using something that you have already recorded, as long as we're legally allowed to do so. When the film is finished, you can use it however you like, and we'll be putting it in festivals and on the web.

Here is a film we did about opposites a few years back. This should give you an idea of the type of thing we're planning for this new film.

If you could email me (or post here) with examples of your group's music that would be great. We're located in San Diego, CA, so maybe there is a local band who would be interested? As long as we can get a digital recording from you, it doesn't matter to us if you're in Alaska.

This is a paying gig. Let us know in a private email what your costs are.


<A HREF="klzzwxh:0000">Floyd Bishop</A>

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