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Permalink Messer Chups live in Berlin!

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That's not very nice.


crumble wrote:

Now I'm starting to think allsorts of reasons why they coulldn't make it ! Smile

Given the current political situation and tensions, I guess the reason's pretty obvious...

"Duck Tape is like The Force: it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together"

bigtikidude wrote:

That's not very nice.

I didn't intend to cause offensive, I'd like to see Messer Chups in the USA as much as anyone.

Ah gotcha, misunderstood yer angle on that.


The mighty governments of the world would not stand for a band coming from overseas to take away valuable surf gigs from native bands and barely making gas money in the process.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

One more.
Who knows the title of the song?
Very cool slow dark surf.

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea


dracula hates photoshoots
what i have win ?

Last edited: Jun 08, 2014 10:16:09

ludobag wrote:


dracula hates photoshoots
what i have win ?

Oh, you will get two or three cocktails for free when you come here to Berlin.

Ralf Kilauea loves photoshoots

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

He played a RI Twin or an original one?
Thanks for the vids Ralf!

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

One week ago I saw them in Toulouse (France) and unlike the german show (videos above), Oleg was playing thru a Quilter MicroPro 200-Head some custom cab and a Fender reverb unit. Nothing more. He sounds great.

Give Oleg a Marshall amp or anything else: He will sound nearly the same.

He is one of those guitarists.

@Emilien03: I guess the Twin from the video is a RI. nothing special.

Twang cheers!

Ralf Kilauea

Everytime I see this thread bumped,
it makes me sad they aren't coming here.


i saw them often 4 times (miss the show on toulouse !)
each time was great but the last he have bandmaster instead of twin and i like less the the overall sound (but it can be the room also)

From what Oleg told to a bandmate after the show, he was not happy to bring the Quilter head, but he had no choice because they came by car !! so they needed to travel light.

sorry i forgot to share this link if some of you have interest for a Live of Messer Chups

Thanks, will check it out tonight.


It's a good one! I took a break at the point of on stage beer requesting, I'll have to get back to see if they played better afterwards!

I really dig MESSER CHUPS! They don't follow any rules, they make their own... without being "prog surf", whatever that is. Smile

Live they seem really straightforward. (Wish they would have come to SG101 this year!) But on record they're really all over the map.

I'm guessing most on this forum like their more straightforward stuff(I like it too) but I REALLY DIG when they get really weird better!!!

They've sampled everything from The Beach Boys, to B-Movies to obscure euro-trash films.... They even sampled The Ghastly Ones! Wooo!

Here's one of their really strange ones that I really enjoy. Lots of mashed-up surf licks and crazy samples, etc. Pretty unique and super awesome!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Last edited: Sep 04, 2014 00:20:30

pics from the show at montpellier before yesterdays

Oleg sound is just a twin ,a reverb and a jazzmaster !
then it is not only the gear to have this beautiful sound

normally i have some vids also

How about this recent video, I've been hitting this one hard with head cans. Danelectro bass sounds good.

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