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Permalink Thanks for the Award and the Guitar!

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I don't have the guitar with me so this is the only photo so far. ( I sent it up with Ferenc in the Surf Coaster Van).

I still am at a loss what to say about getting this. Of course I'm extremely honored and grateful for the recognition, though I'm at a bit of a loss as to what I've done to deserve it (all false modesty aside).

My sincere appreciation for all involved in giving this to me, especially Paul aka Coltsurf, who's generosity seemingly knows no bounds. I'm sure you all had lots of fun juggling this surprise with the one I was setting up for Jeff Big Grin

We are truly blessed to be part of the most generous, inclusive, supportive musical community that I could ever think of. It's quite the inspiration.


Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Well deserved.

Congrats Danny!!


Congratulations on your very well-deserved recognition, Danny. Your inventive music gives us great joy. But more important, your conscience guides your words and actions. Your consistent generosity as an artist and person gently illuminates the way for us, so you bring out the best in others. From the first, you've always advised and encouraged me, even from across the country. I'm very glad you received this award.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Way to go Danny!

Either you surf, or you fight.

Danny rules!!! Cheers

I was wondering about those new FB photos of you cradling a '65 AVRI! That is awesome and well-deserved!


Congrats dude! Hope to see you up here this year.

Huge congratulations to Danny! I was very fortunate to have been able to spend a lot of time with Danny from Wednesday night until yesterday morning, since he, Dane, Brian and I traveled together in one car, and all stayed at Don's (and of course, since we did the Atlantics tribute together). I can honestly say that Danny is a king among men, and I feel incredibly lucky and privileged to call him not only a friend but a good friend. Danny is one of the funniest and sharpest and kindest and most compassionate as well as talented guys I've ever known! This award is truly dead-on - so well done, Paul and Jeff! I am absolutely thrilled by it! (What a gorgeous guitar, too, a true stunner!! Your generosity as well as good taste are off the charts, Paul!)

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Last edited: Aug 12, 2014 13:30:55

Thumbs Up Congrats !

"Duck Tape is like The Force: it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together"

Congrats and kudos, Danny...well deserved!! Smile

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

Congratulations! I'm really envy Big Grin

The Mentawais
The Rentones

Congrats Danny! Quite a beauty you got there!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Big congrats Danny! You DO deserve it!!

Wow!! Congratulations!!!


(Be sure to give some credit to Lady Reverb. Big Grin )


Agree What a guy! Congrats Danny!

While I have Danny's new guitar, I thought I'd trick it out for him-- jumbo frets, scalloped fretboard, rout the body for 3 humbuckers, a new paint job, and topped off with Ernie ball .008s! How does everyone in the gear forum feel about active electronics? I'll bet if I routed the upper bout I could squeeze in a Boss FRV! RAD!!!

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Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Ummm... why go through that trouble if you aren't going to carve a handle into the body?

JakeDobner wrote:

Ummm... why go through that trouble if you aren't going to carve a handle into the body?

It won't need a handle after I chop the headstock off and put on a Steinberger tuning system!

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Saint Ferenc

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