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Permalink The Surfy Bear Fet Reverb

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Squink Out!

Last edited: Aug 11, 2014 21:16:53

I would hazard a guess that the shelf makes an excellent heat sink.

Aesthetics dept:

Slap some 'Look'&'Moon'Kustom Kar & band stickers on that toolbox.
The suggestion to Bjorn to issue faceplate decals is an excellent one. Also a SurfyBear logo would be in order. I know a sign maker/designer in SF...

Jake's & Ariel's idea of integrating the tank with already huge & heavy pedalboards is excellent as it obviated the enclosure problem which is the only cumbersome aspect of the SBFetR. Do you have any pictures of that, Ariel?
I like the aesthetics of a garage-beat toolbox though. The enclosure should have wabi-sabi or be invisible.

JakeDobner wrote:

Anybody know how much air the heat sink on these need? I think putting it into a pedal enclosure and then mounting the tank on the underside of a pedal board would be the way to go.

Surfgitar wrote:

This is my build. I also liked the toolbox chassis idea, especially considering how well it holds the pan. I was able to suspend the pan in this model. An added bonus, with a little foam pad between the pan & the tray the pan locks for transport. It sounds surprisingly good, no hum, and I think it'll make a good backup for my tank. All I need now is some sort of decal or faceplate, tbd.

Thanks Bjorn... this was a fun project.

Squink Out!

Last edited: Aug 11, 2014 21:19:39

DreadInBabylon wrote:

Bjorn, you REALLY should print stickers with the Surfy Bear logo and your website. Make it small, transparent, black or white text. Send it to everyone who orders(ed) a pcb. Who wouldn't stick it on his build somewhere? Then we post pics on websites and you get exposure.

Mine's getting somewhere I think... more details and pics hopefully soon.


Very interesting design!! Wink

Stickers is a very good idea!
I will try to arrange that.

I have also considered a large black sticker for the faceplate, but I am not sure if the same faceplate design suits all. What do you think?

JakeDobner wrote:

Anybody know how much air the heat sink on these need? I think putting it into a pedal enclosure and then mounting the tank on the underside of a pedal board would be the way to go.

Since this is a 'class A' amplifier it consumes about 2x 2.5W.
If no air is circulating the heatsinks can be real hot, the MOSFETs can handle 175deg C.
For a real compact design I recommend moving the MOSFETs to the back of the PCB and let the enclosure be the heat sink. Just remember to isolate the MOSFETs to avoid short circuit Smile
If you like, I can arrange a PCB with backside MOSFETs.

finish with the handle and the tad pan in
difference between tad and the drri pan
tad is more warm ,drip more and more controlable ,the drri pan is more clear and straight but i prefer the tad for the response in playing


Last edited: Aug 13, 2014 14:50:12

ludobag wrote:

finish with the handle and the tad pan in
difference between tad and the drri pan
tad is more warm ,drip more and more controlable ,the drri pan is more clear and straight but i prefer the tad for the response in playing


Very nice! I just finished mine last night and ran the circuit. I have a few tweaks and will make a video comparing the Twin Reverb and the Fetverb.

The Kahuna Kings

ludobag, nice clean build man, Looks perfect!

bjoish wrote:

Very interesting design!! Wink

Thanks, basically I just looked at my drawers of scrap metal and reused what I got.

I have also considered a large black sticker for the faceplate, but I am not sure if the same faceplate design suits all. What do you think?

Until you'll find a way to box it up as one complete unit and charge $300 for it (which you could totally do), I don't see the need for that, the file on your site is enough. A small sticker though (It's a cute logo) just to serve your marketing, and to easily visually "sign" the different builds.
And thanks a gain for the care you obviously put in that circuit, it sounds wonderful.

Last edited: Aug 13, 2014 17:26:13

The Kahuna Kings

stratdancer wrote:

My build.

The Kahuna Kings

stratdancer wrote:

stratdancer wrote:

My build.

Dave, that sounds just perfect!
What pan do you use?
Is it ok for me to link to your video from my website?

bjoish wrote:

stratdancer wrote:

stratdancer wrote:

My build.

Dave, that sounds just perfect!
What pan do you use?
Is it ok for me to link to your video from my website?

I used a MOD pan. you can use the vid if you want or I can even make a better vid promoting you. I wasn't able to turn the volume up real loud last night which I think didn't do the sound of the tank any justice. I will make a new video later for you. You deserve a good promotional!

Thanks Bjourn!

The Kahuna Kings

I finished my kit last night, but I get no reverb! Argh Probably made a wrong connection somewhere. I'm sure I connected the "rev out" from the board to the out side of the pan, but I only get a TINY bit of reverb when I reverse the cables. Can someone confirm that the positive input from the power jack goes to the "12v" connection on the board? How about the pan connections, does the "arrow" connection go to the center of the rca jacks? Should there be a separate chassis ground?

Keep calm Smile
Yes the arrow i the center of the cinch rca,and yes the positive go at 12v
But before repluging check ail your connections and redo solder if sole seem not Good
Also verify the power supply polarity and the wire on the the fêt reverb if they are not inverted
When you have make all This checking plug all and try it
The tank Can bé inverted ,it sound only in the Good sens
Try with moving pot ,if you have warm them too much they Can have burn(it is not often)

Also in mine the ground is not for electric purpose i have wired all,the négative of the power supply don t touch the chassy

Last edited: Aug 19, 2014 17:38:03

Do you get guitar sound from when you turn MIX over to dry-position?
If you do the power supply is ok!
The chassi is normally only grounded thru the guitar jacks.

FritzCat wrote:

I finished my kit last night, but I get no reverb! Argh Probably made a wrong connection somewhere. I'm sure I connected the "rev out" from the board to the out side of the pan, but I only get a TINY bit of reverb when I reverse the cables. Can someone confirm that the positive input from the power jack goes to the "12v" connection on the board? How about the pan connections, does the "arrow" connection go to the center of the rca jacks? Should there be a separate chassis ground?

On my build, the "rev out" from the board goes to the "in" on a MOD pan. Originally I connected the way you described and it didn't work. When I switched the out to the in and the in to the out, voila... drippy goodness. As for the power jack, my build is tip positive. It can be either depending on how you wire it up. My power supply has the removable jack that you can make tip + or - by rotating the jack. I don't have a separate chassis ground.


Bjourn, you might find this YT more acceptable for the site. I tried to capture the tone and explain the build. I think it's incredible. My total build price was around 140.00 US dollars or the price of an FRV.

Last month I sat on the stage next to Dick Dales vintage equipment and enjoyed the tone hoping that when I finally build your kit I would have a great tone also. I love the tone of the circuit and the drip is really fantastic.


The Kahuna Kings

stratdancer wrote:

Bjourn, you might find this YT more acceptable for the site. I tried to capture the tone and explain the build. I think it's incredible. My total build price was around 140.00 US dollars or the price of an FRV.

Last month I sat on the stage next to Dick Dales vintage equipment and enjoyed the tone hoping that when I finally build your kit I would have a great tone also. I love the tone of the circuit and the drip is really fantastic.

Dave, that video is great Cool
Seems like the shielding works ok for you.

Thanks for letting me use your video!!

Shielding good! I will say the board is pretty durable. I did some abusive stuff to it making a few changes and it took the heat really well. All good!

The Kahuna Kings

Well, I just sold my last keyboard and so I spent some 10% of the proceeds on a Surfy Bear FET kit! Tired of lo-fi Gibson reverb and too -echoey post-preamp inboard so it's time to take the modest plunge.
Since I got a great vintage Craftsman toolbox on local CL for only $10 I could afford the insurance. Already have a correct Accutronics 2-spring pan.
What is the best way to mount the pan? I recall seeing some pictures of vertical mounting with springs here someplace but was unable to locate them upon last search...

Squink Out!

JObeast wrote:

What is the best way to mount the pan? I recall seeing some pictures of vertical mounting with springs here someplace but was unable to locate them upon last search...

Hi JObeast,
the last character in the Reverb pan type code indicates that the unit is made for horizontal use (B) or vertical use (C). Some people say that the difference between these two version is almost non existing.
Apart from that you can mount it as it suits you best.

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