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Then there's also the issue with one bandmember sporting a completely different hair style than the other members. We had that "problem" in the Daytonas.


Fortunately in the Surfites, we all have VERY similar hair styles.


T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Man, what's with all the hatin' on the Hawaiian shirts? Sad

Before I ACTUALLY got into surf, my impression of a surf band was washed up, overweight, 50 year old guys in hawaiian shirts and flip flops re-living their teenage years.

I don't remember where this impression came from, but I've been to enough hot rod shows to know that the middle aged/hawaiian shirt set is usually the boring guys sitting in their lawn chairs, looking sour.

..and those are the hip ones, just think of all the dumb-ass parrot heads.

<(apologies in advance to any Jimmy Buffet fans)>


When we were preparing for our first "comeback" shows last year, we considered (briefly) showing up in Hawaiian shirts with fake beards and prosthetic bellies (except for me, of course).

Wannes could go on stage in a pink tutu and nobody would be looking at him Wink

Jeez, Ferenc, if you're going to be sexist, at least put up some classy pics, okay, like these ... Wink


Laura has a number of stage dresses, the one you saw was by far the longest. It is very much indeed a real strange experience to be the forntman leadguitarist in an instrumental band, and have most people seemingly not at all even remotely interested in what your doing. the common joke in the band is, if some guy does look at me, he's either a beginning guitarist or gay.

seriously, the 'all black' thing is very much a compromise and I don't really like it, but it's the best possibe for now. long story.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

When we were preparing for our first "comeback" shows last year, we considered (briefly) showing up in Hawaiian shirts with fake beards and prosthetic bellies (except for me, of course).

That would have been hilarious.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

No Hawaiian shirts, ever. I don't want to see that. A bunch of 50 year old guys wearing hawaiian shirts has never gotten a crowd, with no previous knowledge of the band, excited.

But a group of twenty-somethings with suits and skinny ties
"gets the crowd excited"??? Hmmm.......... Smile

The music gets me excited. I don't care what the band is wearing
or what kind of props are being used.

Bob S.


The music gets me excited. I don't care what the band is wearing
or what kind of props are being used.

You are just a part of the crowd that wants to hear the music while another part wants to experience it at as well. There really isn't any difference in theory, but for the band it is about having the complete package and to reach everyone in the audience as best as they can.

I always believed that there is a difference between "Playing" a show and "Putting On" a show. Playing a show, is just getting up there and standing like trees going through the measures. While Putting On a show is interacting and giving the music a personality through the stage show. You want to feel the energy of the crowd and feed right into the music.


No Offense to the Sweater guys, but you'd never catch me in one of those.
I guess I got enough guff from people in High school for being in Choir and having to wear a tuxedo with tails( now that's classy) But Occasionally at Assemblys in the Gym we had to wear Lettermen sweaters( Oh the Humanity) I felt like Buddy Holly.


Feeling like Buddy Holly to me would be the equivalent to what you "long hairs" refer to as reaching a state of Nirvana. Laughing

That's what I was thinking, what's wrong with that?

It all depends on the vibe you're trying to put out there.
I think it's important to remember they call it "show business" for a reason.

If you're playing really traditional surf, why not look like a trad surf band.
It adds to the product.
My take on it is, focus on the music first. Play it as well as possible then the rest is just icing on the cake.
When the Thunderchiefs gig we try to make it an event. We hire go-go dancers, play different covers every show to go along with the originals,
skinny ties and sweaters one gig, Painted monster shirts with the racing jackets the next.
It makes a difference.
The surf fans dig the music.
The casual fans dig the fact that we're trying to entertain them and hopefully some become real surf fans because of it.

Now just that’s us.
I can’t see Dave Arnson of the Insect Surfers in a tie and sweater. Very Happy

As for you drummer , does he listen to surf? Is he trying to learn the ins and outs of playing it well?

I don't want to jump to conclusions but is he just a frustrated rock drummer who would rather be playing Rush tunes?

Is he a hired hand or a contributing member of the band?

With any band I front, if I have to hire a fill in player they'll wear what I ask them to.
I hired them, I'm the boss. Just like working for wall-mart.

I know all this sounds a bit hard core. Heck he may be a really old pal of yours.
But life’s too short to have to fool with it.

I'd say find a different drummer.

But then it all depends on what you're tying to do.

The Thunderchiefs

No, Rick is definitely a contributing member of the band, no question. He adds a lot to our sound, and is really into playing surf music in spite of playing drums in metal bands over the last 20 years. Ditching the drummer is not an option...

In fact, I brought up the subject again over the weekend with the bassist, who wasn't really into the idea either. Although he said he'd consider it based on the event - his take was 1) if he was going to be playing a high-energy set, he'd be damned if he weren't comfortable doing it, 2) the matching band thing really wasn't his thing, although it's cool for other bands, and 3) in spite of 1 & 2, if it were a well-enough-paying gig, he would wear whatever the promoter/venue/etc wanted, (within reason).

Soooo - I doubt you'll ever see The Cavefish in matching smoking jackets or skinny ties. Bummer.

The Disasternauts

I kinda go along with Shaun's idea... but I ain't no "boss" of my band. But, sometimes it's being the forceful member in certain situations which is best.

If you really got a good idea you could slowly evolve it. One day I brought ties to practice and the next red sweaters. But we were all on board with the cardigan idea, and had worn different colors prior to switch to red. Opinions could also change once everything is put together.

For example, we thought this looked great, and at one point, we also had holsters with guns. Wasn't such a great idea when it was put together. We looked like Johnny Cash with Offsets.


"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

we also had holsters with guns.

Did you keep your bullet in your pocket? Wink


we also had holsters with guns.

Did you keep your bullet in your pocket? Wink

Yeah, Laughing we were REALLY on a Barney Fife kick when we started. I think we approached the band as more of a joke then. But, it was pretty stupid loading up the car after a gig in some back alley of Chicago with a holstered side arm. We're lucky we didn't get our heads blown off.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Laughing Holstered side arm. That's a good one!

... but I ain't no "boss" of my band. But, sometimes it's being the forceful member in certain situations which is best.

Did you force your drummer to change to a more proper hair style? Laughing



T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I kinda go along with Shaun's idea... but I ain't no "boss" of my band. But, sometimes it's being the forceful member in certain situations which is best.

I'm only the Boss when I hire a fill in player.
If I tried to tell High Noon, the Horton Brothers or the Thunderchiefs what to do.... they'd all just laugh at me.

The Thunderchiefs


... but I ain't no "boss" of my band. But, sometimes it's being the forceful member in certain situations which is best.

Did you force your drummer to change to a more proper hair style? Laughing

Ha, yeah our drummer has been playing some rockabilly stuff lately and it worked out for us. I don't have that much authority!

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

I hope you didn't take offense to my statement about me never wearing a sweater. I just know that with the way I look, it would be super silly looking. When Krupanut said he couldn't imagine Dave Arnson of the Insect Surfers in a sweater and Tie, that a) made me laugh, and b) sealed the deal, that I'd never wear a sweater in a band.
Unless it was x-mas and it had a big present or raindeer embroidered on the front . joking of course, or am I??



I hope you didn't take offense to my statement about me never wearing a sweater. I just know that with the way I look, it would be super silly looking. When Krupanut said he couldn't imagine Dave Arnson of the Insect Surfers in a sweater and Tie, that a) made me laugh, and b) sealed the deal, that I'd never wear a sweater in a band.
Unless it was x-mas and it had a big present or raindeer embroidered on the front . joking of course, or am I??


Hey, same to you, and I certainly didn't mean anything about the "long hairs" not wanting to look like Buddy Holly. I think we are all EXTREMLEY careful here not to insult anyone, which is good thing! But I don't take offense(and I sure hope no one has to anything I've said) especially when it's coming from people that I've joked with for awhile now.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

Insulted or offended?? no,

But sometimes the people that are into Trad. only, come off as very
disrespectful (IMO) towrds any kinda surf sound/or look that isn't 100%Trad.
I like good music weather its Shadows/Huntington Cads
Astronauts/Dick Dale Or Mermen/etc.

I don't care how they look or if they aren't trad. I just listen for talented playing.

I'm not saying you all do, it just seems that way sometimes.
I could be wrong.



Insulted or offended?? no,

But sometimes the people that are into Trad. only, come off as very
disrespectful (IMO) towrds any kinda surf sound/or look that isn't 100%Trad.
I like good music weather its Shadows/Huntington Cads
Astronauts/Dick Dale Or Mermen/etc.

I don't care how they look or if they aren't trad. I just listen for talented playing.

I'm not saying you all do, it just seems that way sometimes.
I could be wrong.


Well, I don't like progressive surf rock, but I won't deny the fact that most of those guitarists are monsters and can play circles around most of the trad stuff I like. Maybe some of what you are reading is disrespect, or maybe your just mistaking it for people just being passoniate for what they like(and that goes both ways). But Jeff, just from rereading through this post I see nothing disrespectful, so iI dunno where you're coming from.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

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