If you have any footage of this show or Pics post em'
This is a shoddy video I captured with my half dead phone. My first time seeing Dick Dale play. FYI, the morning after and my ears are still ringing, I feel like i'm under water. Wear hearing protection If you are standing next to Dale's Speakers!
The Posters from the Show are AMAZING! The artist who made them was there, he did a fantastic job, Thanks for making these available, mine is Signed by Dale himself. Its going on my Wall of honor. He also gave me a battle damaged pick when I told him I play and build guitars. "The Fender Statocaster has the best neck in the World", he informed me. Great show He had alot of energy tonight. His Drummer and Bassist were awesome too.
The Madeira Killed it as usual, Dane told me he broke two pair of sticks, which he hasn't done in a couple of years. Everyone brought the Fury!