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Permalink How does it make you feel?

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After seeing the pictures of Dick Dale, the Del tones, the Surfaries at the Rendevous Ball Room in the post below, (made by HBkuhuna) it makes me wonder. How special it must feel to be a part of music history. I know some of you guys here are a part of that time in history. How does it feel?

Come on give it up.

You guys are special because of where you were and who you are.
So fill us in on what it is like now, and what it was like like then.


Guitar joelman!! not any bites? isn't anyone gonna admit to being that old? i saw elvis on tv when i was a kid. hummed RUMBLE and WHO DO YOU LOVE on the playground in elementary school. got bowled over by first wave in 62 and 63. saw the beatles on tv--yuck. saw everybody on the tv. saw alot of em live. bought shitloads of 45s and albums. got that first electric guitar and was lost from civilization after that. learned to surf. made a skimboard and a banana bike and skateboard. grew my hair long. got a surfboard. got laid. life was great. hippiedom arrived and i didn't care for it much. then college and my wife. jobs, back to college, jobs then 2 kids and first house. bills. all the time trying to make it as a musician. how does it make me feel??? Cool Cool fucking cool Cool Cool no regrets dude Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation being is part of history and i'm what i am and thats all that i am!! is that what you mean?? life--what a rush Exclamation Exclamation peace

Here is my take for what its worth. I grew up by the Rendezvous Ballroom. I used to ride my bike by it. It burned down when I was 10. I used to body surf at the wedge a few years later when Dick Dale lived there. I remember seeing his black Lincoln. The historical significance was lost on me at the time, perhaps because it wasn't really the legendary sort of history it is now.

I know people who are slightly older than me who went to places like the Rendezvous Ballroom, Harmony Park, Golden Bear & the Retail Clerks Union Hall to see Dick Dale, the Lively Ones, Surfaris, Belairs, Nocturnes and others. When I have asked them about it they just grin from ear to ear. Very fond memories for them.

One of my personal memories is passing the Golden Bear on PCH in HB riding in my dads Chevy Nomad station wagon (they were a dime a dozen then) & seeing the marquis.

Jan & Dean
The Surfaris
The Chantays

Man, to go back in time....

Thanks HB. You just took me there for a moment.

Thanks for the replies guys.

Thanks for steping up to the bat surfdaddy & HBkahuna. I know it is a tough question to answer. Sort of like a one to many beers question.

So what I have decided to do is just let this dog lie.


I wish my parents wouldn't checked all the good stuff out. It wasn't their thing. Both of them grew up on the beaches of Santa Monica and Venice.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

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