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Permalink Fender Frontman R25 reverb not working?

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I have a Fender Frontman 25R (the red tolex one) and it seems like the reverb stopped working after driving home from practice. This is odd. I thought I heard a light rattle like something was/is loose but nt sure where to look for the reverb tank in the panel. I would rather not take it to a tech, as the repair if neded would cost more than the amp. If it is a matter of making sure a coonection isn't loose/off, I would like to check it myself.


Last edited: Jun 28, 2014 17:33:33

After looking on Google Image Search, it appears that in these Frontmans the reverb pan is located inside the chassis.


Check all connectors on the wires running between the pan and the PCB. If the pan itself is broken, then replacements are readily available, but you might have to solder the wires (can't tell from the pic for sure, but there doesn't seem to be any RCA connectors on that pan).

Good luck!

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

Looks like you could almost fit a full size pan in there.
Anybody ever done that?

horax wrote:

Looks like you could almost fit a full size pan in there.
Anybody ever done that?

Judging by the amp's and the pan's specs, that wouldn't work.
Fender FM25R overall length: 17" (that includes the cab, so the chassis itself is smaller than that).
Reverb pan type 4/9 length: 16,75"

Old punks never die... They just become surf rockers.

Took this amp back to the store. The manager said that reverb was definitely gone. Pretty bad for a new amp. He gave me a brand new in the box Mustang 1 V.2 as a straight up exchange for my troubles.

Last edited: Jun 29, 2014 15:17:49

Please note: when using the footswitch on the Frontman series ALWAYS use a 2 conductor speaker type cable, not a guitar cable. you'll fry the amp.

I used my 212r constantly without fail for a couple years. then we had a gig with a deeper stage, so I just used a guitar cable.. fried the amp.

I spoke directly to fender and they said that was the likely cause. new amp for free.

ignore this post

Last edited: Jul 12, 2014 18:31:27

gdhow62 wrote:

Took this amp back to the store. The manager said that reverb was definitely gone. Pretty bad for a new amp. He gave me a brand new in the box Mustang 1 V.2 as a straight up exchange for my troubles.

I have one of those 25R's I got mostly 'cause a broke student needed some book cash ($1 per watt); probably go to the grand-daughter maybe.

I actually think you got a better deal; you're gonna have some fun with that Mustang.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

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