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Permalink Check out this '59 Jazzmaster FS in Seatle area

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Is that a stock color? Question

Heck yeah.


It says it is a refin; originally blonde. 59's were usually sunburst.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

That guitar is on ebay too. There are more and better pics.

It says the OG color was blonde.

It was bought already by Guitarville and they, I assume, put it on Ebay.

IMHO, WAY too much $$ considering the refin and all the changes. That's definitely a repro pickguard, too.

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

IMHO, WAY too much $$ considering the refin and all the changes. That's definitely a repro pickguard, too.

Hey, you mean the $3900 the owner was asking or the $4500 the ebay seller is now offering? Man, if they make a 1,000 bucks on that thing im gonna open up an ebay store tommorow...

That thing seems like its got too many issues for all that money.

I don't think it was a decent buy even at $3900. A refin, even a good one, diminishes the value 40-50% in the collector market. That, coupled with the routing and repro decal and pickguard (looks like the same one I got for $120 for my '62 AVRI...a real one goes for $500+ these days), makes this guitar a really cool player, but it's not a guitar that a serious collector would be interested in at all. That's a lot of money for a "player" Jazzmaster, albeit a nice-looking one.

But it's worth what someone is willing to pay for it. And someone will probably buy it at the eBay price and enjoy the hell out of it! Confused

Jack Booth
(aka WoodyJ)

The Mariners (1964-68, 1996-2005)
The Hula Hounds (1996-current)
The X-Rays (1997-2004)
The Surge! (2004, 2011-2012)
Various non-surf bands that actually made money

Hi, I bought the Jazzmaster in question for Guitarville (I work there) and I can guarantee you we did not pay $3,900 for it. It is a bit pricey, but '59s are rare with the ash body!

-Mike 'Verb

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