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sysmalakian: TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!
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dp: dude
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269 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
253 days ago

GDW: showman
205 days ago

Emilien03: https://losg...
126 days ago

Pyronauts: Happy Tanks-Kicking!!!
120 days ago

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105 days ago

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85 days ago

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Permalink INSTRO SUMMIT 2014 May 16-18th, Durham, NC!

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and its a go for Johnny Kahuna..aka me.... plotting courses for a nice drive halfway across America..I am looking forwards to meeting a lot of great people !! first leg will be to Nashville TN.. hoping to catch some bands there on the way...then off to Durham for the Summit !!

Landlocked surf lover

Did I mention..I am stoked to see Eddie K with the Surge !! been a long time fav of mine !!

Landlocked surf lover

surfinjohnnyq, What day will you be in Nashville and what do you want to see?
I'll scout around and see what's happening in town this week plus suggest some good local eats if you would like

Have a safe trip Johnny! I'm looking forward to meeting you, too!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

I trust there are no restrictions on cameras for any/all of Intro Summit... Correct?

give me 3-fingers of 1st Wave SURF

Big time thanks Surfinjohnnyq for those most kind words.

I'm buying YOU a beer!

Cheeze! Big Grin

grateful ed and the men from Surge!

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I trust there are no restrictions on cameras for any/all of Intro Summit... Correct?

We try to discourage flash photography, especially when aimed at the faces of our musicians while playing. None of us like to play blind.

Otherwize, we encourage you to take as much film and video as you please, and share it with everybody--we gotta spread the gospel.


Hey all you Summit attendees,
My wife Chris and I will have some of our Original Senn Guitars (and maybe a bass) for demonstration, playing, general test driving on display in our Hotel room on Saturday morning, the 17th, from 10:00a.m. to 11:00a.m.
We'll let you know the room number when we check in at the Duke.
If you can't stop by then feel free to arrange something with us later and you are also welcome to use the instruments in the Jams or performance.


Hey Jeff,

Way cool, that will be really neat.

Are you serving brunch?

See ya Friday!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Carol and I were planning to perform the Theme From The Endless Summer during the open jam. But we think, and Crispy agrees, it would be appropriate to invite everyone who'd like to, to join us in playing this song in remembrance of George Boccanfuso, who's found his endless summer.

You're all invited to join in. Let's raise a joyous sound for George!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Well, I made it down to to Durham. Just checked into the Duke Tower. Can't wait to hear all the bands. Brought my guitar for the Rumble jam Smile


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Counting the hours! Can't wait! Guitar Groovy Headbang

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Have a great gig everybody.
really wish I could be there.


Sounds like a blast...have fun!

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders

"I trust there are no restrictions on cameras for any/all of Intro Summit... Correct?"

Crazy Aces and it's members cannot be photographed or captured on video without their direct consent.
Let us define "direct consent" for the purposes of this agreement.
Direct Consent shall be defined but not limited to the following:
1. Buy Us a Beer (Kiwamu doesn't drink, he's training for some crazy ninja shit)
2. Buy One of our CD's
3. Buy both of our CD's or quantity and a "private" video shoot can be arranged (we're not proud, it's the music business)
4. Watch out performance and pretend to like it
5. See number four but add applause (you don't have to mean it, we won't know the difference
6. Hug Crispy, Tell him he's the best (And mean it!)
7. Hug our bass player Oscar (he Hates contact)
8. Do whatever you want......We will......LOL

Looking Forward to seeing and hearing everyone!


As long as we have access and permission to use any decent shots, photograph as much as you like.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

I will be here in Ohio wishing I were there, chiggers, copperheads, I-40 traffic and all.

This is a must do event, bucket list.

Go Crispy Go


You forgot to mention the bit about washing the cars.............

Always trying to be helpful,


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Ed, aw man, that's a good one.
We'll have to renegotiate. LOL


Link sez he'll wash your car if you let me have a CD.

Just sayin'


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

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