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The whole concept of taking a backup guitar and/or amp to gigs is fairly new to me. (like the last 5 years).

I think I played the bulk of my career without any regard to backup.
On the other hand, I usually take two guitars with me anyway, for a variety of reasons.

I might need a different sound or type of guitar for certain songs, etc.

But the idea of hauling a backup amp, to me, is unwelcome. Dragging one beast is painful enough.

I will toss an extra amp head in the station wagon IF there's any reason to suspect that my gig amp may crap out on me (unusual).

I know a lot of you young bucks have energy to spare and think nothing of filling the SUV with every amp and guitar you own. haha, but I remember the 'smaller is better' revolution; although I'm not personally a total minimalist.

Comments ?

Hauling a backup amp is a waste of space in the van. It just wouldn't fit. Backup guitars are necessary. What if you lose a saddle screw, trem plate falls off(has happened to me), or break a string? The show would be an absolute failure if you had to change a string in mid set. Nobody wants to wait for a restringing.

At a Slacktone show at the Lava Lounge, Dave's Slacktone amp died. It turned out to be a bad rectifier tube. Luckily he had a second amp, a Super Reverb on hand. It happened to me once too, turned out to be a cracked solder joint (damn PC boards). Minor problem but no sound. Anyway I am now paranoid even though I only rarely play out.

Yeah, screw that...Maybe if I were Dave Slacktone (or any pro)I would but Im just some idiot playing in a bar and if my amp breaks I would probably start crying and go home and not worry about the gig.

Definitley good to have another guitar though if not for anything else but string breakage.

I always bring at least one extra guitar to shows with me. Also, since I picked up my PowerBlock, I just throw that in my merch box in case my Showman poops out.


I bring neither a spare guitar (even though I own 9) nor a spare amp (even though I own 3). But it's on my list of things to do.


I echo Bill. $100 powerblock, cheaper then most decent pedals these days. It's rare that the speaker goes bad, so you're generally covered with the Crate. FWIW: I always bring 2 guitars, as I often break a string. I just get so excited....

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Stir the Pot BACKUP Question I DONT NEED NO STINKIN BACKUP Twisted Evil Exclamation

Well the only gigs I play are in my bedroom, so if my guitar or amp takes a squat, I just turn out the lights and go to bed. But if I was in a situation of playing money gigs no doubt about bringing a second axe. I can understand hauling a second amp can be quite a chore, the few times I hauled my Pro Reverb to friends garage jams got old real quick. Still, in a money paying situation, I think I would at least carry some kind of single 12 practice type amp that would at least make some sound. Dealt with enough electronics subject to cyclical vibrations to known that failure WILL come usually at the most inopertune time.


Another vote for the Crate Powerblock here. I've had one since they came out (though it cost me a lot more than $100 with the postage from the US and the import tax) - very handy to carry as a backup and actually a pretty good sounding amp for a solid-state.

Youth and enthusiasm are no match for age and treachery.

I always carry another guitar, but never a back-up amp. so far, burned up an amp twice - once it was a speaker, the next was a tube. I've never had a guitar problem. Maybe I should reverse my thinking. Carry a spare amp, and only one guitar.


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

One of the things I have been noticing at local gigs lately are reverb tanks going toes up.

whew who can afford multiple tanks?


Someone always seems to have a spare tank in their car. It's so cal...

I never bring a spare tank. While I have a backup in the garage, I am of the mindset that it would risk more damage in all the back-and-forth transit, and I'd rather have one I KNOW works while I trouble shoot on one that poops out.


We have a friend in Portland that has a tank and barely ever uses it. It's gotten to the point where if he sees that we have one of our annual shows coming up, he just drops it off with Scott. One out three tanks is always having trouble.

I know that no pedal can replicate a tank sound, but everybody should have a pedal they can live with for the rest of the show, if their tank goes out on them.

Just like the Power block is not a showman tube amp, but can get you by if need be.



I play through a Vibroclone (1x15 Bandmaster Reverb with Twin OT) for big gigs or a sup-ed up 1x12 6L6 Princeton Reverb for small gigs. I keep a Holy Grail reverb on my board and a BF Bassman head as a backup (along with cables to run the combo's speakers). It'll sound fine running a 2, 4, or 8 ohm load and the Holy Grail sounds fine live.

2 guitars too...

It's been a while, but there was a time when I couldn't go more than 10 songs or so without breaking as string. I don't go anywhere without a spare guitar.

Trevor von Drat

I have been dragging around a Line 6 FloorPod. If something craps out. I can either pulg into house sound or through one of the lines on the keyboard amps and finish things out.

I bring 2 guitars ony becuase the other guitarist doesn't.


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