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Permalink Human Sounds volume one: Stop off in Ridgeview by Kill, Baby… Kill! EP Review by Noel

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Human Sounds volume one: Stop off in Ridgeview by Kill, Baby… Kill! EP Review by Noel

Just in the Nick of Time comes an EP from the deadliest band in Jacksonville, Alabama, Kill, Baby… Kill! It seems with each release they find more edge and menace to stoke their surf. This release is a two-song EP titled, Human Sounds volume one: Stop off in Ridgeview. I understand Kill, Baby… Kill! are going to be releasing EPs throughout the year instead of making us wait until they’ve sated their creative urges with a full-length CD. I like this plan.

Stop off in Ridgeview
Ridgeview is in Ohio, right on the edge of The Twilight Zone. But I think it’s also somewhere along Corridor-X, and is exactly the sort of town you’d expect to find there if you took a certain exit. If you do stop off in Ridgeview, and play the fortune-telling game in the diner, you just might find yourself listening to this song, over and over and over and over and over… just as I did. The song is terrific. It acts as a musical exit off of Corridor-X, a little detour if you will, to that place between where you want to be and where you find yourself in your nightmares, a trap of your own making. The thing is, if you do manage to escape Ridgeview, the road only takes you back to Corridor-X, an epilogue if you will. This is actually a good thing. And very cool.

What else would you put on a two-song EP that starts this aggressively and successfully? I wouldn’t have thought of playing the living daylights out of a song by a ‘90's New Wave band called The Causey Way, or having Amy Rollinson from a Joan Jett tribute band in Atlanta called The Cherry Bomb sing it for all she’s worth. But Kill, Baby… Kill! did, and it’s exactly right as the B-side. It’s every bit as edgy and aggressive as Stop off in Ridgeview, and just seems to be what the next song should be. Amy is wonderful, fitting right into Kill, Baby… Kill! like she’s always been there. She gives as good as she gets, her voice well-matched to the drive and energy of the song.

Human Sounds volume one: Stop off in Ridgeview was recorded in March of 2014 by Jesse Wallace Jr. of The Mystery Men?, and produced by Chad Shivers of The Mystery Men? and Moonbase. In addition to vocals by Amy Rollinson of The Cherry Bomb, it features harmonica by George Asimakos of Moonbase. Very impressive. You’re gonna risk your speakers playing this as loud as it deserves, but it’ll be worth it.

KBK leave nothing in the studio with these two songs. I really can’t wait to hear what they do next.

Currently, the only way to obtain a copy of Human Sounds volume one: Stop off in Ridgeview is to attend a Kill, Baby… Kill! show and purchase an individually numbered copy.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: May 10, 2014 15:52:29

Digital downloads should be up in about a week on all major digital distributors. Thank you for the review, Noel. We are very proud of this release, despite how small it may be. This marks the first time that I really believe our live sound has been captured on a KBK release.

THE KBK ... This is the last known signal. We offer Sanctuary.

This EP can now be downloaded. Read all about it here.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: May 12, 2014 08:53:37

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