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Permalink A lack of presence on stage.

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très bon
suivez votre coeur

In all fairness, acts like Jeff Beck, the Ventures, the Straitjackets, etc., do have one advantage a local band lacks quite apart from any question of ability. They're seldom in town more than once a year. Quite possibly less. Slacktone is in a sort of intermediate situation. Local in SoCal, but rare elsewhere. By observation, they get quite a bit more of a blase reaction in SoCal. "Oh, we get to see them all the time."

You know, I wish I was in a position to be blase about some of these guys.

IvanP wrote:

I find it's a bit inconsistent. We've had many fantastic shows, when you really feel in sync with the audience, and feel their energy flowing through you. Everything is relaxed and fun and it's just an amazing night. But then there are nights when there's no connection at all, and I find it's really hard to play like that. BTW, I'm not blaming the audience, absolutely not. Often it's us - or me. ...

Everybody has an off night, Ivan, but somehow I'm betting that most of the time you are running into an off crowd. Big Grin

Actually, I've occasionally realized I was being an off crowd member, and I've been in more than one off crowd. Occasionally to my shock a crowd of surf fans who were just not in the mood.

To my shame I am not the kind of person who can influence a crowd by being in it enjoying what I am hearing. I have seen people like that, though, and they must be an incredible lift for a band. They were a lift for me just being in the same crowd.

caddady wrote:

stratdancer sayz "My opinion is based geographically on my location knowing the music scene. There is little to no retro/surf in this market. "

Akron, Kent, Y-town, Cleveland is a tough crowd, at least that was my experience in the 80's when I gave a toss. I played my heart out time after time to apathy. Now I do it for fun, beer, food and a few bucks. Follow your heart.

Frelonvert , when people tell you to add a singer, or play wearing a tutu or whatever, tell them you shall consider the advice and suggest they put a band together themselves and really make it happen.

Pretty much what I thought since I have never seen surf in NE Ohio. It's the land of cover bands. I'm thinking of starting a ZOSO cover band. That would be a third generation Led Zeppelin cover band.

The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Apr 03, 2014 19:09:00

I have been performing on stages since 1966. I started young. There is one constant in all audiences. People don't know what they like, they like what they know.

The Audience member who comments, "you should hire a singer" obviously has no knowledge of the surf genre. They will listen to a few songs if they know them, the 'hits" so to speak but then you loose them. At most venues a little bit of surf goes a long way.

We love it, we worship the tools used to make it but alas the rest of the world is not that in tune with what we do. Surf gigs on the beach, in a beach town, advertised as such in a surf market have a chance of being quite good. The rest is hit & miss in my experience.

Keep it Drippy Brothers and Sisters!


The Squires w/ Batmobile (a bit of a Jeff vibe along about the break). A Youngstown band, I think. But I think most of the Ohio bands I have heard of are in the SW.

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