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Permalink Crazy Aces Reviewed in Pipeline Mag Issue 94!

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AND, we're number 5 on Dave's Fave Five list and number 1 on Al's Top Ten (the editors)
Thanks to Pipeline, we're so excited!
It's fun to still be getting reviews on this record that came out in 2012 when our next record is about to come out.


This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Swell write up.


Canadian Surf

Excellent! Better late than never! Maybe a box set is in order Smile I still buy 50 year old recordings Big Grin

EJ wrote:

Excellent! Better late than never! Maybe a box set is in order Smile I still buy 50 year old recordings Big Grin

Yeah! I'm still looking for Vol. 1. Jeff, do you have one laying around somewhere? Cool

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Congratulations , nice nice nice Smile

Not surf but you might like it:

Nice, congrats!


Right on Jeff,! That's high praise from one cognoscentum.
One of my favorite recollections of life near Crashville was driving on the White's Creek or the other road north listening to soul & R & B on the Vanderbilt College radio station (where I also 1st heard Allison Goldfrapp's 1st record). Just before I left I heard they sold the station to some corporation and that was the end of freeform radio there. The station at Austin Peay didn't even allow student DJs. What's wrong with people these days? Afraid of a little creativity or free speech?
Anyhow, glad you got favorable mention in print.

Squink Out!

Nice Jeff! Congrats!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Neat! That "antique" is still in the Badger-101 car CD rotation; 1 of the grand-daughters still shakes her butt to Attention Shoppers, so cartage to Iowa for her aunt's bridal shower will go better.
Thumbs Up

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

JObeast wrote:

Right on Jeff,! That's high praise from one cognoscentum.
One of my favorite recollections of life near Crashville was driving on the White's Creek or the other road north listening to soul & R & B on the Vanderbilt College radio station (where I also 1st heard Allison Goldfrapp's 1st record). Just before I left I heard they sold the station to some corporation and that was the end of freeform radio there. The station at Austin Peay didn't even allow student DJs. What's wrong with people these days? Afraid of a little creativity or free speech?
Anyhow, glad you got favorable mention in print.

Ugh, I remember hearing about that. The truth is college radio station on paper looks like a money pit to the university. You can't quantify what positive effect student life opportunities have, nor what value listenership has to a university unless they're putting up big bucks at the pledge drive. And research shows that classical music gets the pledge drive money. I'm lucky to be broadcasting out of a university where the president takes pride in the student radio station, but there's a new president on his way in.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

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