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Stuff like this is why I love Disintegration so much. Plainsong, the opener, has like 4 minutes of lush repetitive ambience before you hear his voice, a simple refrain. The next track, pictures of you goes like 3 and a half minutes before lyrics. And the back half of that album has A LOT of that.

And yeah, I know what you mean though. A Forest, Pornography, Faith... they rule.

JakeDobner wrote:

Stuff like this is why I love Disintegration so much. Plainsong, the opener, has like 4 minutes of lush repetitive ambience before you hear his voice, a simple refrain. The next track, pictures of you goes like 3 and a half minutes before lyrics. And the back half of that album has A LOT of that.

And yeah, I know what you mean though. A Forest, Pornography, Faith... they rule.

Yep. Check out this, from Head on the Door, my favorite song on that album: Push. Performed live in 1986 CHECK OUT THE BASS VI PLAYING!

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Love that song! Porl going to town on that thing.

Also, regarding the pickups question I posted earlier. Those are the '65 pickups that Dave W. has raved about. I'll pick up a set of those to put in my Burgundy Mist Jag and put the AVRI '62s in the VI.

Any suggestion should I get a neck or bridge pickup to go in the middle position of the VI?

Yeah, Porl lasted pretty long with the Cure. I used to hate him because he'd change guitars for every single song live. Judging by how he plays the Bass VI, I'm now convinced he probably needed to. LOL

I'd go for another neck pickup. I tend to favor neck pickups, though.

I've not heard the '65 pups, so I can't say. I've never even played the new reissues.

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

And then he got that awful looking Schecter, shaved his head, got the awful tattoos/face paint and makes you wish for the balding guy with stringy hair that changed guitars on every track!

He had a gorgeous ES-345!

I didn't know that was Porl!!!

Anyway, The Cure did awesome instrumentals. And, yes, A Forest was one of my favorite singles by them. This was the B-Side that I never saw anywhere else. GREAT tune and GREAT bass line!

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

How could you know that was Porl? It looks nothing like him, just jeebus...

Back when b-sides actually existed... and some were better than the real deal. Amenesic by Radiohead is the last album I remember with b-sides that weren't just "we have some throwaway track the band didn't really finish that we might as well release"

Some of my favorite tunes have been B-sides and it's a shame the demise of the single has done away with the creative ideas that went on the flip sides of releases.

The Smiths and the Damned had a great deal of B-sides that were great in the 80s before vinyl disappeared. I stopped buying a lot of singles for bands when the B-side was just another track from the album.

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Definitely the Smiths! New Order had some pretty good ones as well. In my time, Oasis has the best b-sides. Remarkably better than a lot of their studio output because Noel would sing instead of Liam. Weezer as well, before they became shit.

jake, ok! i'll do it!!

one in surf green would be cool!

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

Join the VI cult! We have Kool-Aid!

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

We then all play The Big E and go to Jake's special planet, where he harvests vintage Fender parts out of our bodies. That's why he insists on that other thread that guy doesn't make it a Baritone.
Since I'm already halfway suicidal here with all the Cure nostalgia anyway... I see no harm in accepting Jake as Venerable Humble Leader. He's got spunk.

Would he benefit us with his OCD and provide some pics? And why the rewiring, any mods (except PU's) or just to make it nice?

I keep trying not to read this thread but you guys aren't making it easy.
And to think I just got a Musicians Friend Gift Certificate for my birthday.......

I like some flavors of cool aid......

Just to make it nicer, my Jag AVRI could use new pickups so I am donating its pickups to the VI. I always like to replace with CTS pots, try out a funky capacitor on the tone pot, and just make things a little nicer/neater. I haven't taken the pickguard off yet, but I imagine it could maybe use some extra shielding. It is getting a new pickguard anyways, so might as well make a new harness. I intend to gig with it someday, so I really want to know what the parts are and know they are reliable against drops, transport, temperature, etc...

Also, current pickups are just every so slightly microphonic on the VI. Not enough to bother, but do make good noise when tapped or when the body is tapped.

I humbly accept leadership of our Bass VI cult. I will lead us into a time of ruin and turmoil that will make us all better people. My fear, if I lead us down a path of prosperity and happiness is that it turns us into smug yuppies.

I'm only OCD about having the volumes in my car stereo and amp for my record player at even numbers.

Also, not gonna miss with the sliding switches, those are too pricey. I'm being cheap! I'll replace the capacitor on the strangle switch as I can't notice it working... Thinking of adding a resistor as a treble bleed mod... I've read about it, but don't quite understand the science.

I'm not going through 16 pages to find out if Billy Strange is mentioned in the thread. Sorry! Eyes left in this photo.


Nope I don't think he was, what a gross oversight that was. Thumbs Up


morphball wrote:

Twenty people on Bass VI's playing "The Lonely Surfer"...

Strange that Billy was left out ;-). I went through the pages too and now it looks like this could actually happen!

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Bah... I can only remember the last 3 pages of any thread, including my own posts. Big Grin


You think any of us do? Laughing

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Just to make it nicer, my Jag AVRI could use new pickups so I am donating its pickups to the VI. I always like to replace with CTS pots, try out a funky capacitor on the tone pot, and just make things a little nicer/neater. I haven't taken the pickguard off yet, but I imagine it could maybe use some extra shielding. It is getting a new pickguard anyways, so might as well make a new harness. I intend to gig with it someday, so I really want to know what the parts are and know they are reliable against drops, transport, temperature, etc...

Also, current pickups are just every so slightly microphonic on the VI. Not enough to bother, but do make good noise when tapped or when the body is tapped.

I humbly accept leadership of our Bass VI cult. I will lead us into a time of ruin and turmoil that will make us all better people. My fear, if I lead us down a path of prosperity and happiness is that it turns us into smug yuppies.

I'm only OCD about having the volumes in my car stereo and amp for my record player at even numbers.

Also, not gonna miss with the sliding switches, those are too pricey. I'm being cheap! I'll replace the capacitor on the strangle switch as I can't notice it working... Thinking of adding a resistor as a treble bleed mod... I've read about it, but don't quite understand the science.

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