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Permalink The Sandals - Spirit of Surf CD

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A few weeks ago I was turned on to the Spirit of Surf CD by the Sandels. It appears this CD was released in 2008. IMHO this is a stellar body of work.

Arriving late to the party I wonder if this record received the recognition it should have? The drummer in our band had the CD, said he found it in a record store $2.00 close out bin.

A Man from S.U.R.F.

Thanks for the reminder. I've forgotten to buy this record several times; it's back on my shopping list.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

I could not agree more, thomasd. The Sandels are great!

Plus One...great cd and worth adding to the collection.

Considering instrumental surf muisc is a small fraction of the music industry you won't find many critical reviews and the cd probably did not make it to any sales tracking "list".

On a positive note, Wingnuts Theme is on this cd and has been covered by a lot of bands including the Eliminators. Just enter Wingnuts Theme on youtube and enjoy.

Happy Sunsets!

A friend of mine who loves the movie Endless Summer II asked me if I knew who did the below song. It says it's by Gary Hoey, but it doesn't really sound like him. And it's apparently not on the soundtrack. I thought it might the Sandals, and the song could possibly be on this album (which I obviously don't have). Anybody know?

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Yep, we've "done" Wingnut's Theme a few times. Although maybe it's Wingnut's theme that did us a few times...................tough timing.

Maple neck Jazzmaster I believe he was playing in the vids with Bruce Brown in cameo.

Great music. Is there anything any more timeless that Theme from Endless Summer?


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

The Space Cossacks also recorded Wingnut's Theme, though it remains unreleased - probably for the best! Smile But we used to play it live a lot around '97 or so.

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I have The Endless Summer II soundtrack cd and that song is not on it. Gary Hoey changes his style for almost every song, so my guess is it is him. Ironicly Wingnuts Theme is not on the soundtrack cd. Great song. BTW The Endless Summer II cd is still available if you want to add it to your collection.

Happy Sunsets!

I talked to Gaston Georis at the Sandals Reunion Concert about 10 years ago in Santa Ana about the Sprit of Surf Cd and asked him why Gary Hoey scored the second ES movie and not them. He told me that the Spirit of Surf was supposed to be the Endless Summer II soundtrack. However, Gary Hoey was already under contract for one more release so the company producing the movie rejected the Sandals songs in favor of an already signed artist, Gary Hoey. They could not release it as Endless Summer II, so they called it Spirit of Surf.

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders


Gary Hoey is a cool guy,
But I wish the Sandals had got the job.


I love this album!


Last edited: Mar 02, 2014 21:58:49

Gary Hoey is great! And without him, I might not have discovered Surf music when I was in my teens. Of course, his music is not exactly surf, but it led me to discover the first Endless Summer movie and everything opened up from there!

To Boldly go where no Tiki has gone before...

Great Album by the Sandals. My copy is from 1996.

Last edited: Mar 07, 2014 10:41:33

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