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Permalink Squier Vintage Modified Bass VI

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The action is nice and low Mike. I was a bit worried ordering online, but the setup was very good and there are no visible flaws. It's a solid build, plays great and the electronics work fine. The only problem, which I've heard is common, is that the stock low E string won't intonate. The spring on that saddle is squeezed as tight as it will go. I'm hoping the heavier Labella's will help to remedy that. Can't wait to get some flats on it!


I barely played it before ripping into it with the mods... probably the action issue happened somewhere between a new bridge, new nut (which I've never done before) and higher-gauge strings, so lots to go wrong there. I might do the truss rod thing as a last resort before taking it in to a professional. The LaBella's are great though, I think you'll like them.


That's it. Now I'm GAS'n for one of these too. Thanks a lot, guys. ;)

The Rubber Band Youtube Channel

ravcon wrote:

The action is nice and low Mike. I was a bit worried ordering online, but the setup was very good and there are no visible flaws. It's a solid build, plays great and the electronics work fine. The only problem, which I've heard is common, is that the stock low E string won't intonate. The spring on that saddle is squeezed as tight as it will go. I'm hoping the heavier Labella's will help to remedy that. Can't wait to get some flats on it!

Mine wouldn't intonate the stock low-E string either. I don't know of any that did, at least with the stock bridge. But with much heavier low-E and A strings, it intonated just fine. The action on mine is a little higher than on my Jaguar, but it doesn't really bother me. I think it could use a little more string tension, but I'm leaving it E-E. Surprisingly, at least to me, it's the easiest of all my guitars to trem-pick. And you gotta play it through a fuzz pedal!

IMHO. YMMV. Especially if you play as well you do. I don't.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jan 31, 2014 14:58:04

That's good to hear Noel, and thanks!


ravcon wrote:

That's good to hear Noel, and thanks!

I woke up this morning thinking that the slightly high action might suit the slightly low string tension in B-B tuning. If a shim is used to increases the break angle of the neck, will that create enough extra string tension to preserve buzz-free playing with the resulting lower action?

Why I woke up with this question on my mind is a whole other problem. Big Grin

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Noel, the tension won't change by using a shim. It will change or by tuning in E-E or by using thicker strings!

Every word is like an unecessary stain on silence and nothingness.

Thanks. I was afraid of that. Already using the heaviest strings it looks there's room for on it.

On another matter, I really like to use the vibrato on mine. My fingers aren't strong enough do that on these strings. I feel a Staytrem upgrade coming. I have them on my Jag and JM, and they work perfectly. So far, no issues at all with the stock bridge. But, again, I don't play seriously. I'm strictly an at-home hack who gets let out a few times a year to play in front of willing victims. Big Grin If the bridge starts acting up, I'll put a Staytrem bridge on it, too. I've had no issues with the one on my Jag.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Waiting on one here as well.

Freshwater Surfin'

The Murray Basin

Just got the flats on it. Now it really sounds like a Bass VI. Perfect.


Finally, one of these is heading my way!!!

White/tort- my favorite combo. I'll have to do a family portrait of the JM, Jag, and Bass VI!

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Matt22 wrote:

Finally, one of these is heading my way!!!

White/tort- my favorite combo. I'll have to do a family portrait of the JM, Jag, and Bass VI!

Congratulations! These are a lot of fun.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

I couldn't quickly find the original post to this song featuring James Burton on Bass VI. It took a while but I found the song by The Zombies. Here are both.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Feb 25, 2014 10:57:21

Lookie what UPS brought me today. Smile

Nice videos, Noel!


Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Matt, am I buying one of these? Seriously, you have final say. If you say yes, I pull the trigger tomorrow. If no... I save up for a Japanese one.

Also, it came with the guard? Any other upgrades? I'm thinking a Mastery trem... I'll have to have my buddy ask John the Mastery Guy about his spring strength and a Bass VI.

Jake, I've yet to plug it in and hear it. But it's been fun to play unplugged. The lows are sometimes hard to hear, but it seems to play really nicely. As often as I am going to use it, I couldn't justify springing for a Japanese one. But if money weren't an issue, I would. I must say that I am VERY impressed with this guitar. I bought it off the Offset Guitar list and I think the guard was the one that came with it.

ON another note, I was told by a knowledgeable guy that the Squier line is going to be discontinued. Now, I think he was pulling my leg because of the Bass VI I just got, but has anyone heard anything about a new stock holder at Fender wanting to do away with the bottom line?

Matt "tha Kat" Lentz
Skippy and the Skipjacks: 2018-2020
Otto and the Ottomans: 2014-2015
The Coconauts surf band: 2009-2014
Group Captain and the Mandrakes 2013
The Surfside IV: 2002-2005, 2008-2009
the Del-Vamps: 1992-1999, 2006-2007

Last edited: Feb 26, 2014 00:42:12

They should discontinue the Squier line. It served its purpose to be honest. Most of the Squier instruments are nice enough to be labeled Fender. Guitar manufacturing is so much better than it was back in the day. An old Fender Standard Srat just sucks compared to a new Squier.

I have no knowledge of Fender's plan on this. But if they cut out the bottom line guitars... it will be a disaster for Fender. They'd need to lay off so much staff to do that. They aren't Gibson, so don't go the Gibson route. And if Fender is in dire financial straits, they should offload all of the other companies they own before they touch the Fender guitars, and regardless of what it says on the headstock, Squier is Fender.

I'm pulling the trigger! I won't use it much either, but I NEED it.

I'm going to paint the headstock black, add a fender logo, get a black guard, get the Staytrem bridge, despite my hating their Marr bridge, and maybe a Mastery vibrato. My buddy is getting one in, and I can try it out.



Jake, did you ever own a Gretsch Bamboo yellow aniversary 6118?

I agree with Jake that dropping Squier guitars would be a disaster for Fender. And I agree with Jake about how well they're made. I think they should just brand the guitars, Fender Squier, and be done with it.

I also think that, once you guys (Matt and Jake) get yours properly set up with the right strings, and hear it through an amp/speaker combo that can fully convey the deep lows while still letting the highs sing clear and bright, you'll find reasons to play it. Everyone who plays mine says they want one of their own, with this weird covetous gleam in their eyes. IMHO.YMMV.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

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