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Permalink FIBERGLASS JUNGLE - Saturdays 2-4PM PST on! Since 2013!

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Brian wrote:

I donated!

Me too (via Danny's paypal a/c)

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

Last edited: Feb 15, 2014 17:18:52

Me too.

even I dontaed, and I'm tech phobic.


bigtikidude wrote:

even I dontaed, and I'm tech phobic.

Hahaha! That is true. Gotta donate to keep it going- we all love it-so let's show our support by donating whatever we can to keep it goin'!

For those that may not have listened live - when you listen to the podcast you will hear that you can still donate during the week as well--thru the website (and I think on the phone if it's during hours that they are picking up)!

Be sure to notate in your donations that you are pledging to support Jonpaul's Fiberglass Jungle show!

The Counselors

Last edited: Feb 15, 2014 18:45:38

yeah what he said,
and the Lady on the air with Jonpaul said that his show broke the first hour pledge drive reocrd. and that his show was the most listened to on the station.
Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar Guitar SG101!


Last edited: Feb 15, 2014 19:00:22

Wow, wow and more wow! I am completely blown away by the support today! Thank you guys so very much! It really does all go to keeping the station alive! Because of all of you, Fiberglass Jungle scored some serious points today with the management and proved that the Surf Music family around the world is an extremely close, strong and vital force!

SG101ers that donated, please email me ( your mailing address and I'll send you a little thank you package!

OK, now to live up to my duty...playlists on the way!

Thanks again guys!!!! So much appreciated!!!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Feb. 8, 2014

The Madeira - "Dilmohammed" - Ruins EP
Bevel Emboss - "Straighten A Dash" - Celluloid
Los Venturas - "Surfer’s Mood" - Paisley Beach
David Marks and the Marksmen - "The Sheriff Of Noddingham" - Lost Legends of Surf Guitar Vol. 2: Point Panic
The Phantom Four - "A Forest" - 7” 45 b/w PF & Arguido “Gun on my temple”

The Shockwave! - "Dusty Sand Sahara" - Death Race
Pedrito Diablo y Los Cadaveras - "Surfing the Nile" - Shambala Rama Fa Fa Fa
Monterreys - "Waves of Kauai" - Monterreys
The Lively Ones - "Goofy Foot (Surf Battle)" - Hang Five: The Best Of
The Bahareebas - "Asian Quick Soup" - Last Night I Saved The Galaxy

The Vision - "Escape to Space" - Now We Have A Colour Television
Los Pegajosos - "Grunge Activity" - Profecia Celeste
Crazy Aces - "Boogie Bored" - Greatest Hits Vol. 2
The Clee-Shays - "Thunderball" - The Dynamic Guitar Sounds Of
Dirty Fuse - "Don’t Let Me Down Nargile" - Surfbetika

The Grande Bois - "Freakout" - Meltdown
Da Surfones - "Dimension Surf" - Instro Latin O Rama
The Barbwires - "Crazy Kooters" - ...Sounds Like Trouble
Johnny & The Shamen - "From Dusk ‘till Dawn" - Adventures in Espionage
Los Freneticos - "Casa Arab" - El Playa

The Atomic Blast - "Astralfant" - Hypnosis
Dick Dale - "Haji" - Spacial Disorientation
Jon & The Nightriders - "Hitman" - Charge of the Nightriders
King of Hawaii - "Francisco’s Dance" - Henry, Call Home
Fifty Foot Combo - "Inspection #5" - Go Hunting!

Laika & The Cosmonauts - "Disconnected" - Absurdistan
Davie Allan & The Arrows - "The Loser’s Bar" - Devils’ Rumble Anthology 64-68
The Astroglides - "Turkish Delight" - Sewer Surfing With...
Planet Seven - "Another Human Error" - Heavy Surf
The Blue Hawaiians - "Penetration" - Pulp Surfin’

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

It's late, but I can finally play Luxuria Radio again. Never got it to work with Media Player, so I downloaded iTunes and it works fine. Just wait 'till next week!

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Feb. 15, 2014

Satan’s Pilgrims - "Theme From Beat Girl" - Around the World With
Satan’s Pilgrims - "Ginza Lights" - Around the World With
Los Twang! Marvels - "Siboney" - Jungle Of Twang
The Treble Spankers - "Jaa-Rabbi" - Hasheeda
Dave Myers & The Surftones - "Moment of Truth" - Wild Surf!

The Fathoms - "Five Fathoms Deep" - Fathomless
The Intrepids - "Golash" - The Surf Creature
Dark City - "Cigarette" - Dark City
Steinar Karlsen - "Trojansk" - Hanens Dod
James Wilsey - "The Rattler" - El Dorado

Surfer Joe - "El Senor Surf" - Senor Surf
Robert Johnson & Punchdrunks - "Blade Runner" - Cinemascope A Dope
The Dangermen - "Maroc 7" - Meet the Men of Danger
The Wet Tones - "The 7th Wave" - Mucho Reverbo
The Blue Hawaiians - "The Wipe Out" - Live at the Lava Lounge

Insect Surfers - "Sea Scorpion" - Infra Green
Daikaiju - "The Phasing Spider Menace" - The Phasing Spider Menace
Born Losers - "From Russia with Love" - Cycle Guitars
Man or Astro-Man? - "Goldfinger" - Secret Agent S.O.U.N.D.S.
The Break - "Cyclops" - Church of the Open Sky
The Morricones - "The Sicilian Clan" - Running with the Chupacabra!

The Lively Ones - "Caterpillar Crawl" - Hang Five! The Best Of
The Vanduras - "The Big Hurt" - In the Dark
The Original Surfaris - "Surfari" - Bombora! The Best of
The Astronauts - "Movin’" - Movin’
Jim Messina & The Jesters - "The Breeze and I" - The Dragsters

The Huntington Cads - "Lunar Luau" - Go Exotic!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Last edited: Feb 15, 2014 19:26:07

Great show once again JP. (And fun yakkity yak kin' with the other kahunas in the chatroom).

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

Noel, I had the same problem. I use the VLC media player for this. VLC will play almost anything.

Thanks for the plays. As always!

Once again, huge thanks to everyone that contributed last week during the show to Luxuria's annual pledge drive! It is most appreciated!

This week will be another brand-new show, but we're still in pledge drive mode until tomorrow (Sunday). It'll be one last chance for anyone that missed it or still wants to contribute to do so!


Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

After last week's technical difficulties, I got an early start and am already in the IRC chat room and listening to some terrific soul music on Luxuria Radio.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

switching from nSSR to Luxuria now,
and going to the chat room on here.


That was a wild show! Terrific, Jonpaul.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Thank you soooo much everyone! We met our goal!! You guys rock!!!!
Special thanks to DaveF, Brian, Big Tiki Dude, Noel, Cousin Mary, Fady, and Darryl for stepping up to the plate today!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Good show, JP! We even complimented you in IRC.

Sorry I missed that show. Had arm twisted to go with wife to neighbourhood BBQ get together. But I was thinking of you guys

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

tubeswell wrote:

Sorry I missed that show. Had arm twisted to go with wife to neighbourhood BBQ get together. But I was thinking of you guys

I was wondering... I hope it was awesome BBQ.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

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