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Permalink Surf-Age Nuggets: Trash & Twang Instrumentals: 1959-1966

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Just as a head's up for anyone that hasn't grabbed one of these yet...if you're considering spending $39.99 for iTunes, please realize that a brand-new, complete hard copy can be purchased through Amazon's affiliates for only $7.37 more! And this is factoring in shipping!

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Finally convinced KFJC's music department to buy this. I am so impressed! Maybe I have less experience with this era than some of you, but there are many, many bands and songs here that are new to me. I think it will work well to play one or two tracks every week on my show, using the liner notes to give more information.

Thumbs up!

It's a damned impressive collection. Most of the stuff on it that wasn't new to me was certainly relatively recent.

It looks like the vinyls are finally coming Smile


LosVenturas wrote:

It looks like the vinyls are finally coming Smile



Just discovered the box set!
Where I was! Dead

When you have to shoot ... shoot! Don't talk.

"Los Grainders" >
"The Strings Aflame" >
"Planeta Reverb" >

I just re-bought it for myself,
As I gave mine to someone for a Xmas gift.


Got this last week

It is a class presentation. A hard cover book !

Couldn't believe there is a picture of an EH holden station wagon on the beach. Cant beat that ! Smile

Freshwater Surfin'

The Murray Basin

Been listening to this again and have to report: this just in-The Vaqueros rule. That is all.

spskins wrote:

Been listening to this again and have to report: this just in-The Vaqueros rule. That is all.

This collection rules. But I've said that a million times!

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

Even as much as I critisized this release for the mp3 sound, and the disc 2 that won't play in my cd player. I gave it as gift to somebody. But then when I saw one at Amoeba, I bought if for myself again.


Last edited: Oct 18, 2014 19:35:57

bigtikidude wrote:

Even as much as I critisized this release for the mp3 sound, and the disc 2 that won't play in my cd player. I gave it as gift to somebody. But then when I saw one at Amoeba, I bought if for myself again.

Excellent! And for those who can't afford to buy the whole box at once, single CD's of each disc have been issued.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

spskins wrote:

Been listening to this again and have to report: this just in-The Vaqueros rule. That is all.

Yes I really like their song Desert Wind.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

shivers13 wrote:
And for those who can't afford to buy the whole box at once, single CD's of each disc have been issued.

I only see volume one in stores.


I thought I saw the others at Amoeba in L.A. But perhaps they only have Vol 1.

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

they may be out there, but I have only seen Vol. 1
on cd and also on LP.


That's right! Issued on Vinyl as well which is very cool

BOSS FINK "R.P.M." available now from DOUBLE CROWN RECORDS!

spskins wrote:

Been listening to this again and have to report: this just in-The Vaqueros rule. That is all.

I had a listen again because of this post. First thing that jumps out at me is the drumming. Great energy, great fills...super tight and really propels the music. 80 ft wave just grooves in an r&b/garage sort of way. And yes, Desert Wind is really cool. Great collection, so many less well known bands that were good.

I finally snagged a copy of this collection. WOW, fantastic all round! Love the book. Just a great collection, and at least half of this was new to me, maybe more. I found this site listed in the places to visit section, so here I am. Cool site, though I was hoping to find a good 'reviews' section so I can discover more surf gems. Seems like a friendly place, which is a relief.

Ok...carry on and nice to meet you. Cool

"The Bill of Rights says nothing about the freedom of hearing. This, of course, takes a lot of the fun out of the freedom of speech." - Pat Paulsen

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This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

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