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Permalink Here’s Why You Should Convert Your Music To 432 Hz

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432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. Studies reveal that 432hz tuning vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness. When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiraling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, the Sri Yantra among many other sacred sites.


My chakras have been fading recently and homeopathy, wolfs bane, and even purple tinted quartz haven't been helping.

My horoscope today said something significant will come into my life and this must be it!

There's a long debate on this subject here:
Changing from 440hz to 432hz, a new musical experience
Fascinating stuff, but personally I'm still on the fence.... Hmmm

Bill S._______

HELLDIVER on Facebook

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I think this blog is not owned by a Science or Nature peer reviewer LOL

Scratching head, if you say so.


And yet here are many here who believe they can hear the difference between various gauges of wire, this makes much more sense to me, although I don't expect anyone will retune to 432 Hz. It is an interesting piece based on science and observation, not at all the mumbo jumbo so quickly put forth by Pavlovsdog and Andrethegiant. I suspect those making fun of it did not read it.

I should have stated that the title is not mine, I am not recommending that everyone retune, I just find the article interesting...there are rhythms in nature.

It'd be a huge change, no doubt about that. It'd really alter music, even if that wasn't the vibration of matter. Just what changing the key of a song does.

A is 440hz, correct? So, making A 432hz will just make A 432hz. So when we play in other keys, we are undo the benefit of 432hz?

I'd personally like to hear it, 440hz hasn't not always been the standard. It'd be interesting to see what came of everyone using this magically overnight.

The change would affect on all keys, you would be slightly altering the concert pitch, not just one note. 440Hz was adopted as the standard in 1953.

Dude, the titles in my previous post are real titles of articles that are published in this blog. This blog seems to be about magic, not science. Not my fault.

I did read the article. I think it's pseudoscientific magical bullshit. That is my opinion. Maybe the problem is that I got a PHD in science/engineering, not in witchery.


andreuthegiant wrote:

Dude, the titles in my previous post are real titles of articles that are published in this blog. This blog seems to be about magic, not science. Not my fault.

I did read the article. I think it's pseudoscientific magical bullshit. That is my opinion. Maybe the problem is that I got a PHD in science/engineering, not in witchery.

Science guy here as well, but what is interesting is that what is 432hz is a known pitch that is readily recognizable? What if it could lead to better perfect pitch?


Sorry Andrethegiant...Dude, this post was not meant for those who entirely understand the workings of the Universe, but I really don't see how you could not accept that changing tuning changes the vibrations and could possibly make hearing music "better". Our human eyes only see part of the spectrum of light and color, the same holds true for sound. Not witchery or magic at all.

A true scientist would test the theory rather than debunk it based on content contained in other articles comprised of completely non related material.

Just saying.

Test it to attune your soul, or kick metaphysical mumbo jumbo in the proverbial nuts. Either way you win, right?

True science is method. Everything else is just dogma.

A serious, scientific discussion about the topic would be interesting.
That being said, an article that provides the following arguments can't be taken seriously:

Certain theories even suggest that the nazi regime has been in favor of adopting this pitch as standard after conducting scientific researches to determine which range of frequencies best induce fear and aggression.

Studies reveal that 432hz tuning vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness

the number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the Sun, Earth, and the moon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, the Sri Yantra among many other sacred sites.

These colors and notes are also related to our Chakras and other important energy centers

...and so on. If you can take this seriously, good for you. I can't.

42 Hz tuning is better.

There might be something to this:
The other night while at a gig I knocked my guitar out a tune, just a little flat.....
and we sold TEN CD's and someone bought me a drink AND said I played good!!

O.K., just a little strange humor. Don't crucify me, I'm not trying to be a jerk.
Discuss on. I will probably learn something.

You make good points Andrethegiant, there are some very "spiritual" connections tossed in and I do not take those ideas seriously (and neither does the author according to the disclaimer), but I found interesting the more nuts & bolts aspects like those shown in the last video of sand on a board being vibrated into shapes. That is observable. The way the human ear responds to vibrations is science and I have no problem accepting the idea that certain frequencies, harmonics or whatever they are called are more pleasing to the ear than others. I've often heard it was common in recording studios to tune a half step flat, I wonder what the reason was for that.

From an orchestral perspective, A has been all over the map. My son is a oboist, that's the person who sounds the A for others to tune to. He has always been told to use 442. See here for the long story.

A more serious response than my attempt at humor and in response to peter256's point, when I used to be a guitar tech for bands that were on symphony dates they would often come in and see me retuning the synths and digital pianos and ask why. I would explain the above to them and sure enough when they started rehearsal they were in tune with the symphony.

Nazi-tuning & DNA repair? Laughing

Retune your music to A444 hz or A432.
Submitted by pgrady on Mon, 01/21/2013 - 14:06

A 440 hz, the standard in western tuning of instruments was first used and made standard by the nazis in the 30s. A 440 is the most dissonant and harshest sounding to the ear. It was made standard to create anxiety and fear and tension in anyone who listens to it. The original tuning used by Mozart, etc was A 432hz. Its considered to be more natural and based on the fibonacci sequence. A 444 corresponds with C 528 which is known as the love frequency. This frequency can repair DNA and has an overall positive effect on the body. Choose one of these frequencies to retune all of your music to. Use will notice a huge difference. Or listen to some samples on youtube first. I tend to prefer A 444 and have retuned my piano and most music to it. peace.

Last edited: Feb 10, 2014 21:19:41

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