Joined: Jul 27, 2006
Posts: 37
Bonsall, CA

Posted on Apr 10 2007 11:45 AM
I am saving up for the Fender Reveb Unit, but for the interim I need some other sounds to whet my appitite!
I am looking for the follow effect pedals:
Tube Screamer
Joined: Aug 18, 2006
Posts: 1732

Posted on Apr 10 2007 12:47 PM
Joined: Dec 04, 2006
Posts: 251

Posted on Apr 10 2007 02:09 PM
I like the Voodoo Labs trem pedal - very warm. I have the two knob version
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 3832

Posted on Apr 10 2007 02:13 PM
I dunno man, but what you'd pay for four stompboxes will get you more then halfway in the direction of a reverb unit.
— Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."
Joined: Jul 27, 2006
Posts: 37
Bonsall, CA

Posted on Apr 11 2007 09:35 AM
I know what you mean! I think I am going to get the reverb unit now and let the pedals come afterward!
Any body have one they are willing to part with? I am cruising Ebay for one of course...
Joined: Dec 10, 2006
Posts: 125

Posted on Apr 11 2007 12:52 PM
you can get various types of those pedals for very little money.
i suggest checking out:
tremolo - Danelectro tunamelt tremolo- $25-40 maybe even cheaper if used...
vibrato - The Danelectro chicken salad vibrato gets pretty rave reviews and it can be had for 29 bucks new. not sure what it goes for used but i hear nothing but good about it from very picky pedalers .
Fuzz - this one is a little tricky since most good fuzz pedals are pretty pricey ie. over $150. i have only had one fuzz pedal and it was one of the most famous contemporary pedals: the fuzz factory. i liked it but it was almost too wild for me. i tend to like the 60's sounding ratty/grindy fuzz sound like the mosrite fuzzrite, maestro fuzztone, and the sola sound tonebender mark II. different builders make copies of these pedals but many are expensive. right now i am looking at getting a FuzzRiot pedal from VintageFX. i think it runs about $125.
tubescreamer - you could get a boss sd-1 which is nearly identical with a few minor changes. many people like it better. if you want something even cheaper get an arion tubulator. that one should run you less than $30. they were on sale for 10 bucks a week or two ago. both are tubescreamer variants.
delay - the danelectro PB&J and DanEcho are both moderatly cheap and easy to find on Ebay. my personal favorite is the Ibanez DE-7 which can be found for around $45 used. this pedal gets a great analog sound for a digital pedal.
just for calarification: i am not some danelectro nut im just recommending pedals that are great sounding but cheaply priced so you might be able to get them a little easier.
Joined: Apr 21, 2007
Posts: 19

Posted on May 10 2007 05:31 PM
I know what you mean! I think I am going to get the reverb unit now and let the pedals come afterward!
...A wise decision. Although, when you are looking for more stomp boxes these are my personal fav's.
Tremolo: Guyatone Tube Tremolo VT-X. Really rich and punchy with plenty of versatility.
Tube Screamer: TS808 Ibanez Reissue. Blows away any SD-1 I've ever owned, even the Japanese black label ones with the same JRC chip. They have very different gain structures and the 808 can also work as a great boost pedal (esp for mids) with the gain at 0.
Fuzz: MI Audio Neo Fuzz is really versatile and cool. DAM (Differential Audio Manifestations) makes some killer Vox Tone Bender clones.
Delay: If you don't need a long delay time (over 500 milliseconds) then spend the extra dough to get an analog box and you won't be disappointed. I'm currently using a Maxon AD80.
As a side note, it's worthwhile to get true bypass pedals when you can, cuz a couple of non-true bypass pedals can really degrade your original tone.
Good luck finding that Reverb Unit!