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I've heard the terms "pedal point", "pedaling" as well as "drone". Townsend does that a lot too.

Yeah, "drone" should work. The technique is sort of analogous to the drone pipes in a bagpipe, though there's only one "pipe," and it doubles as the melody "pipe," too. I was trying to think of that, but all that would come to me was "sympathetic strings" (as on a sitar) which is a bit different, because they aren't activated directly.

As for the whammy bar thing, this isn't the one where the open string is plucked and the fingering hand uses the whammy bar to bend the note?


I've heard the terms "pedal point", "pedaling" as well as "drone". Townsend does that a lot too.

Yeah, "drone" should work. The technique is sort of analogous to the drone pipes in a bagpipe, though there's only one "pipe," and it doubles as the melody "pipe," too.

Alright then, I guess "drone" isn't bad. At least it's cooler than "pedal point." That sounds more like you're building a bike than playing guitar. Laughing

I thought "drone" only applied if one of the notes was held throughout--like if the note skipping was on the A string while the E string rang out.

Though I couldn't agree more--pedal point is a totally crappy term.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

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