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Permalink Dick Dale in HD?

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Did anyone happen to catch the "Still Surfin: Dick Dale at The Hard Rock Cafe" live concert/interview show on HDNet this morning? It was from the Hard Rock (which one?) and it must have been old since Dusty & Sam were playing. Pretty good performance by Dick but, WOW! Sam and Dusty were on fire! Great 5.1 sound and VERY cool HD picture.

Nothing new in the interview segments. My favorite quote:

DD: "I'm not a guitar player. I never said I was."

Host: "How can you say that you're not, at this point?"

DD: "I'm not. I am, I am what you call, a manipulator of an instrument. I can play any instrument there is and a jack of all trades, master of none. I never took a lesson in anything. I don't know what an augumented (sic) 9th is or 13th and I can't even play the scale and I don't give a crap. I play, I get sound from an instrument. And that's why nobody can say I suck because I never said I was a guitar player."


Does anyone know anything about this show?


(Edited to fix the exact DD quote)

Last edited: Apr 14, 2007 20:02:57

I don't get HDNet in my area. I do love HD though.

I remember hearing that Dick was going to put out a DVD of a show at a Hard Rock. I think Dusty mentioned this somewhere. But instead, all that ever came out of it, that I'm aware of, is a CD of the performance (he is selling it on his site).

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Interesting. Looks like I'm going to have to pickup the CD and see if it's the same show.

I was just amazed that they didn't even show Miserlou. There was some weird stuff going on, though. The Wedge was really weird. It didn't sound right. Plus a few others. I'll try and grab a set list later tonight (I Tivo'd it).

I have HD net... I'll check it out...

Interesting. Looks like I'm going to have to pickup the CD and see if it's the same show.

I was just amazed that they didn't even show Miserlou. There was some weird stuff going on, though. The Wedge was really weird. It didn't sound right. Plus a few others. I'll try and grab a set list later tonight (I Tivo'd it).

my son requested he play 'the wedge' at one of his shows a few years ago and he made it through about four bars before it turned into something else. it made me wonder if he forgot it.

my son requested he play 'the wedge' at one of his shows a few years ago and he made it through about four bars before it turned into something else. it made me wonder if he forgot it.

Yeah, there were a few moments there when Sam and Dusty were looking at each other. They were right on it though, that you couldn't even tell something was amiss. Very professional.

It actually makes me want to REALLY see Slacktone.


I'm really surprised the recorded show is called still surfin'.
Considering how adamandt (sp?) he is abotu not playin "surf music"

go figure Rolling Eyes


Last summer when DD and co. were in Baltimore I checked out some of the close circuit video of the show I was at(during the show, it plays on several flat screens around the venue). Looked pretty cool, the band intereaction is always pretty fun, still trying to nab a copy of the video from the club though....Hopefully they will make the HD video available at some point.

If the video was shot at the same place the "Guitar Legend - Dick Dale Live" Hard Rock cd was made it was in Dallas, Texas...
He's mentioned that they would be selling a HD video of that performance when I saw him a few months back...

I was able to extract an image from the show.


mmmm Symmetry...very nice!

Dick has either a Cd or Dvd from Hard Rock in Texas for sale on his website
Check it out there.

I'm a lover not a fighter, a hugger not a handshaker and I take friendships very seriously...Love the life you live, live the life you love. Cool

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