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Permalink New US Custom Ventures Model Wilson Bros. Guitar

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Tim Wilson, the son of, Don Wilson of The Ventures, as many may know operates and owns Wilson Brothers Guitars. They have just produced a new custom model. Mine is now ready and is the first production model. I saw it today for the first time. Sunbrust bound body, neck and headstock large block fretboard markers this guitar has gold hardware. Most will have chrome or black pickups, I specifically ordered the gold hardware. The guitar is sunburst and at my request a solid black headstock, the lettering (Ventures logo and Wilson brand name) is in gold. The lettering shows up much clearer and better on the black headstock. Tim took the guitar to show Don 31 Dec. and do some promotional photography all with my permission. Don is heading to Japan on New Years Day for the annual two week Ventures winter tour. There are five more guitars all of them sold in the final stages of production now. I'm not sure if they are sunburst or not.

If interested in this new model contact Tim Wilson at the Wilson Brothers Guitar website, simply google Wilson Brothers Guitars or go to The Ventures website and link from there. There are four photos of my guitar


Hi, Gary! Welcome to sg101. Very glad you're here.

Everyone, I know Gary from The Ventures East Coast Fan Fests. I was amazed by the guitars he brought along to display at this year's event. "Brought along" doesn't begin to cover it. Rather than risk his personal instruments to an airline, he drove cross-country with them. He's a HUGE Ventures fan and real-deal collector of guitars associated with The Ventures. And, Gary is a really nice gentleman.

I've followed the genesis of this guitar for a quite some time on Ventures forums, where there is considerable interest. I expect by the time I see it in person later this year, it will be probably signed by everyone. Am I right, Gary?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jan 12, 2014 07:04:09

Noel wrote:

You may get to see it at the fan jam but I am not going to have this one signed.

The photos on suggest that the offset is smaller than on mosrites. It was easier for me to identify the offset by measuring the photos than from just looking at them.


Last edited: Jan 12, 2014 14:39:02

As a Mosrite lover, these guitars look terrible disturbing and wrong to me. First of all, the shape is not offset and it looks like a regular strat.
The whammy looks odd, as it is a simple Jag/Jazzy trem.
It's also missing the double and triple dot inlays. And IIRC it doesn't have a zero fret.
I must admit that I have never laid hands on this model, but I assume they are in the same range as the Aria DM-380. Maybe a little better quality like the Eastwood models?
The videos I've watched on youtube weren't convincing...unfortunately.

The Hicadoolas

Oh wow this is awesome! I shuold have checked more before making my post. I recently ordered my Model of this guitar. 0007 is mine Big Grin

Grab the jag, then the surfboards and hop in the Woody. Let's Go Trippin.

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