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263 days ago

BillyBlastOff: See you kiddies at the Convention!
247 days ago

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198 days ago

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120 days ago

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114 days ago

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nielsjansen wrote:

Ooooh my poor Lorenzo, you really live in the past my friend Wink
In the 90´s Macs were better, in the 00´s they were cooler and now they are just three times as expensive just for the little Apple logo.
Apple has stopped innovating when Jobs died and since has only spent money on lawsuits against companies who are taking over the market. My girlfriend´s iPhone has more problems then my HTC and costs double. Anyway, off topic. Back to the music!

It is not about innovation, it is simply about working vs not working Big Grin

Lorenzo "Surfer Joe" Valdambrini

For those interested in our new harvest from Eddy Luca´s record collection. On my upcoming edition of The Fantastic Four on January 19th I will be playing one hour filled with all these new gems we have digitalised. Lots of stuff I never heard before like The Last Surf by The Duvals, Baja Beach by The Invaders and Rocksville by The Admiraltones and many others lots of you might not know.

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Awesome!!! Bring it on.


A bit later than planned, this weekend we are gradually switching to our new timetable. For those who cannot get enough of Halloween. 2,5 hours from now our new show Cemetery Beach is kicking off!


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

We have started!
On now: Los Tiki Phantoms with "Satan's".

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Looking forward to it!

Here are the new re-run times of the presented shows for Europe and the Americas:


Monday 03:00 - Green Cookie Beach
Tuesday 02:00 - La Última Bala
Tuesday 03:00 - Para Los Surferos
Wednesday 02:00 - Where´s The Singer ???
Wednesday 03:00 - Hangnine FM
Thursday 02:00 - Pisuerga Beach
Thursday 03:00 - A Huevo!
Friday 02:00 - Surf Guitar 101
Friday 03:00 - The Fantastic Four


6PM – 8PM – 9PM: Green Cookie Beach
5PM – 7PM – 8PM: La Última Bala
6PM – 8PM – 9PM: Para Los Surferos
5PM – 7PM – 8PM: Where´s The Singer ???
6PM – 8PM – 9PM: Hangnine FM
5PM – 7PM – 8PM: Pisuerga Beach
6PM – 8PM – 9PM: A Huevo!
5PM – 7PM – 8PM: Surf Guitar 101
6PM – 8PM – 9PM: The Fantastic Four

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Last edited: Jan 12, 2014 15:34:06


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Here is the new timetable for 2014.
Times are in Central European Time (GMT + 1)
For PST subtract 9 hours, for CST 7 and for EST 6.

For the best viewing experience of the tables check them on our website at!timetable/chul



Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Last edited: Jan 16, 2014 17:23:53

Thanks for the schedule Niels!

One hour from now the presented shows will start. But first... an hour with some of the best tracks from the Surf Revival in "Revival 101 Playlist", a random selection of tracks from the Surf Revival Top 101. Enjoy!


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Will have to catch the presented shows in replay
This coming week, I have a little something going
On today n tomorrow. Wink


Here´s the schedule including the re-run times and days.


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Starting in an hour.


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

DJ Eloy R.B. has just kicked off another weekend of presented shows. Enjoy!


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Last edited: Feb 15, 2014 10:02:47

listening as usual,
seems like hes is doing a spy music show today


Hehehe...after all, it's a 007 week....

Green Cookie records

Green Cookie Beach!green-cookie-beach/c3pr


Pisuerga Beach starting in 11 minutes!

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

In order to help you decide what to vote for the Album Top 101 nine DJ´s have made a personal Surf Album Top 10 and will be playing tracks from those ten albums. Starting in 80 minutes we will kick off this Album Weekend with the Top 19 tracks of the Surf Revival Top 101. Enjoy!


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

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