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Permalink 25.5" scale Jaguar?

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Forgive me if this topic has been brought up before.

As far as I know, there never has been, nor is there now, a stock 25.5" scale Fender Jag.

I am wondering if it might be possible to make a stock Jag into a 25.5" scale by moving the bridge down and getting a replacement neck.

Has anyone tried anything of the sort, or heard of something like this working?

I love Jags, but have never got along with the shorter scale length.

I have considered trying to build one out of Warmoth parts, but that seems like it could get rather pricey.

Maybe I should just give in and score a Jazzmaster instead?

I suppose I could get a JM and mod it with Jag pickups...I dunno...just kicking ideas around.

Any ideas out there?

In my opinion, anything with that body shape and 25.5 is a Jazzmaster, and anything with that body shape and 24 is a Jag. The pickups don't matter, that won't shape the sound nearly as much as the scale length.

I've heard Jag pickups on a 25.5 before, meh... I definitely prefer Jazzmaster pickups on a 25.5" guitar over Jag pickups.

Jake pretty much expressed by sentiments exactly. If its an offset body with a 25 1/2 inch scale it is a Jazzmaster or Jazzmaster clone. If its an offset body with a 24 inch scale it is a Jaguar or Jaguar clone.

If you prefer the smaller body shape of the Jaguar but want a 25 1/2 inch neck, take a look at the Xaviere JT-100 sold by Guitar Fetish.

It has an offset body that is smaller than a Jazzmaster. It is a 25 1/2 inch scale length guitar. I have one and it is not bad.. I thought they were the best cheap Jazzmaster clone until the new Squier VM Jazzmasters came out. I would think this would be about what you are looking for.

Talk to you later,

Neck, bridge and tailpiece locations on the Jag and JM bodies are slightly different AFAICT, so if you tried to put a JM neck on a Jag body, don't think it would work without some mods.


He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

Last edited: Dec 25, 2013 05:12:28

Something that is possible, and i would love to try, is that can very easily put jag pups inside JM covers. The pole spacing is the same. It might take a file to make it work with the claw, but I think that is doable, too. I have wanted use this method to create a gibson scale jag...using a JM body and a 25.5 to 24.75 conversion neck.

You can experiment in creating shortscale versions of your guitars by using a capo and retuning. The tone changes less than you would think.

Last edited: Dec 25, 2013 13:53:27

I Play a 25.5" scale Jag. I love it, but I did custom position the pickups.
Sometimes though, my weak, fret filing tired hands wish it was a regular short scale Jag. LOL

CrazyAces, please tell us more about your full scale jag? Custom build? How does the tone compare to a stock jag, strat, or JM?

To my ear, my Jaguar sounds like a Jaguar even when it is unplugged. I think much of the 'Jaggy' sound comes from a magic combination of scale length and bridge/tailpiece location. Of course, the pickups and their location have an effect as well, but if you love the sound of the Jaguar, changing the scale length isn't going to get you where you want to be.

If it ain't broke, fix it until it is.

I can see me now - duffer returning to the guitar that I am - going up to play 3rd verse of Penetration and running out of road... I think an aftermarket neck would need to be the thing there.

tubeswell: Holy shape-shifting Batman! 2x thumbs-up.
Big Grin

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

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6V6, I custom built my Jazzguar as I call it.
There are many things that change when you alter what I refer to as a guitar's geometry, that is scale length, neck angle, pickup placement etc.
Longer scale lengths tend to have less complex overtones and more emphasis on the fundamental frequencies. I like the higher tension on the strings for my picking hand but sometimes not as much for my left hand, bends and such. I like that I don't have to use heavier strings as well. There are other factors on my guitar that make comparisons difficult. The neck angle on mine is higher which allows me to use an ABR style bridge which is a different sound than stock jags, I've custom positioned the pickups to account for the scale length and my own tastes. The bridge pickup is actually closer toward the neck than standard scale proportions would dictate so with all these changes to the platform direct comparisons are tough.
Generalizations? I think my Jazzguar sounds a little closer to a Tele at times (the metal claws on the pickups induce this a bit) and the neck pickup a little closer to a Strat than a standard Jazzmaster or Jag but it still has it's own thing.
If you go to our reverbnation page and listen to 'Eastwood Outlaw' or 'The Last Song' you can hear the guitar being used, as well as the melody lines in my 2013 comp submission 'Happy Shadow'

And, here's a demo of Lollar Jaguar pickups being played on the Jazzguar.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Noel wrote:

And, here's a demo of Lollar Jaguar pickups being played on the Jazzguar.


SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Noel, Thanks, better idea to post the youtube demo.
I had forgotten about that, LOL

I have AVRI Jag pickups hidden under the pickup covers on my number 2 AVRI Jazzmaster. I did need to route the front pickup cavity a bit to get the rhythm pick up lowered enough to balance it with the lead pickup. I put the body in the milling machine and smacked it a bit. A careful hand and a Dremel tool could accomplish the same effect. I left the Jag covers on but did modify them and the claws to clear the Jazzmaster's cover. I basically trimmed off the top of the Jaguar plastic cover to allow the pole pieces to appear "normal." All this effort was to gain a reasonable guitar to use where neon signs drive a normal Jazzmaster nuts. The modified guitar behaves more like a Jazzmaster but sounds a bit more like a Jaguar. It is much more quiet RF wise as well. I did change the pots to 500Ks and used 2000 pico farad HF shunt cap to keep the highs active while turning down the volume control. This rig works better for me than just playing my Jaguar on stage.

Originally I stuffed Strat pickups in there but didn't warm up to that mod much.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?, really nice playing and tone on your tunes..I need to explore you recordings in more detail! Clearly that guitar works for you. The tone is a bit hard to pin down..and that is very cool!

Noel, thanks for linking the Lollar demo..that's pretty cool too.

6V6, thanks so much for the kind words.


Echoing what Jake and others have said, if you put a 25-1/2 neck on a Jaguar body, what you wind up with is a Stratocaster, more or less. Okay, less, as you will not have the middle pickup sound in that configuration.

What you actually like about the Jaguar is the 24" scale, I would bet. Maybe not mechanically, but the sound is all there.


Anyone ever put a Jag-scale neck on a Jazzmaster? That question came up in another discussion recently.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Badger wrote:

Anyone ever put a Jag-scale neck on a Jazzmaster? That question came up in another discussion recently.

As Pete points out above (just scroll up a few posts), and illustrates with the overlay, you'd have to considerably modify the guitar below the bridge pickup. It would be easier to do this to a hardtail Jazzmaster, but why do it the hard way? Wouldn't putting JM pickups or even P90s in a Jag be easier?

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Jan 04, 2014 23:40:06

LOL, of course it would be easier. Smile Just wondered if someone had done it.

I'm gonna snag the overlay and make a nice big hard-copy for him to contemplate.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Last edited: Jan 05, 2014 16:59:22

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