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Permalink Thoughts on GarageBand?

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Altar wrote:

Right now I need something easy, cheap, and quick for ideas and demos. It's fine for that.


Los Fantasticos

ravcon wrote:

I've recorded, mixed, and mastered 5 CDs in Garageband. Just saying...

I'm using it on a desktop Mac, not an iPad.

I'm impressed.

Los Fantasticos

I use garbageband for recording demos all the time. As long as you get the levels right so it doesn't distort and have some way of ensuring the record/playback delay is minimised (like a USB/Firewire/Thunderbolt interface) it is perfectly adequate, and comes free with the Mac.

He who dies with the most tubes... wins

Surf Daddies

djangodeadman wrote:

ravcon wrote:

I've recorded, mixed, and mastered 5 CDs in Garageband. Just saying...

I'm using it on a desktop Mac, not an iPad.

I'm impressed.

Thanks. I'm sure there are better programs, and I'll eventually upgrade, but for now I'd rather spend the $ on Guitars. Big Grin


The visual EQ analyzer feature on the newer version of GarageBand is an awesome upgrade from the old one I was using. My ears are complete mush, so it's nice to see what I'm hearing, or not hearing.

Twisted Evil > Angel

Hey all, if any GarageBand users are doing anything resembling a mastering process within the boundaries of this software could you pass along any hints. I'd like to increase the loudness/volume without clipping, or altering the mix. I've tried a lot of different plug-ins, dynamic processors and such, but I don't really know what the hell I'm doing.

Twisted Evil > Angel

What a great upgrade GarageBand was from the multitrack recorders like the Boss BR 8 we were using at the time. Recording and editing demos became a snap. Now, with the improved tools at our disposal, programs like Logic are a nice next step when you have grown out of GarageBand.

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders

norcalhodad wrote:

I'd like to increase the loudness/volume without clipping, or altering the mix.

This works for me: after I'm done mixing everything, I raise the gain in "compression" to bring things up notch or two. No clipping and plenty loud on playback in iTunes.

Last edited: Mar 11, 2013 20:10:30

cambeezy wrote:

norcalhodad wrote:

I'd like to increase the loudness/volume without clipping, or altering the mix.

This works for me: after I'm done mixing everything, I raise the gain in "compression" to bring things up notch or two. No clipping and plenty loud on playback in iTunes.

Yeah, me too. The basic compression is pretty easy. It's the other plug-ins like the dynamics processor, peak limiter, multi-band compressor that have me befuddled, and when I touch them it just destroys the sound, but they've got to be useful for something.

Twisted Evil > Angel

I actually used Audacity to master my last release. It's free, and works great for me.


Is anyone using the Alesis i/o Dock with an iPad? There is a used one for sale on Kijiji near me for $110.00.

TeeJay ōjō

I've been really tempted to get one of those but I found a lot of negative reviews. If it works well it would be more than worth it. If you get it let me know what your impressions are of it.

CrazyAces- I'll do that, but check out this mixer thing I stumbled across on the Alesis website:

Not sure if its been released yet.

TeeJay ōjō

i just got a Focusrite iTrack Solo for recording with GarageBand on my iPad. I plan do start laying some tracks down this week. I'll let you all know how it goes. I've used Cakewalk/Sonar in the past on a PC, so far GB doesn't look too different as far as tracks and edirting.... but we'll see.

That looks like a cool little rig, too. Let us know how it works for you.

TeeJay ōjō

I find Garageband fine for my needs, I previously used FL Studio...Garageband sometimes feels like a dumbed down version of it. The ace up the sleeve is the presets, it doesn't take much to add a bit of polish to a demo.

I definitely agree you would be wanting something with more power like Logic or Cubase to make something to potentially sell. I'd never get them, as there's no chance I'd know how to operate them effectively!

Convenience scores high on ipad GB though: regularly use it to get down a quick idea or riff, then email it to my bandmates straight from the app.

Hi guys, what is the best amp in GB to use for surf music? Obviously, I like a lot of reverb. Thanks! Smile - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

The "surf" amp works pretty well. Wink

Or any of the blackface models. Just adjust reverb, gain and eq as you see fit.

I personally enjoy the clean combo... Supposedly a vox model, but doesn't really give that impression till the gain comes up. I really like it for most of what I do, but I don't do a lot of surf.

Another tip, mess around with "master effects"... It gives you a wide range of different reverbs to try.


I use Logic Pro, and the Brownface fender in that is amazing. I'm not sure what options are in Garageband, but I tweaked my microphone, microphone placement, and I'm running a 4x10 cab with it. Not a fan of the other cabs they have.

JakeDobner wrote:

I use Logic Pro, and the Brownface fender in that is amazing. I'm not sure what options are in Garageband, but I tweaked my microphone, microphone placement, and I'm running a 4x10 cab with it. Not a fan of the other cabs they have.

Mobile garageband doesn't give you cab or mic options to my knowledge, unless you run amplitube into it. I run it on an ipad, but I believe from a mac computer there is more you can do on garageband.

Also, I'm sure you're aware, six string surfer, but it's very easy, if you have a good sound from your amp, to run into garageband's mic function using any half decent mic, such as an sm57, 58 or anything in that range, and it'll likely give you a nicer sound than the GB models if you do it right... This is especially true for surf, as most of the amps on GB are made to sound very modern.


Last edited: Oct 02, 2014 13:22:06

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